Chimeras - Phoebe Giannisi

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"Chimeras" in ancient Greek are female goats and any mythical animal with parts taken from various animals. In biology, a chimera is an organism containing a mixture of genetically different tissues. For Donna Haraway, we are all chimeras, cyborgs, hybrids of machine and organism. Professor Giannis’s chimeric works slide between different media taking form through performative actions. Key elements are the music of place, animal voices, myths and memory; and fragments on identity, genre, gender, and the species drawn from ancient Greek poetry
Born in Athens, Phoebe Giannisi is a poet and professor of Architecture at the University of Thessaly and the author of 8 books of poetry and a book on architecture. She holds degrees in Architecture, Philosophy, and a PhD in Classics. Her poetry moves between word, performance, and installation and investigates the connections of poetics with body and place. Giannisi has published 2 books in English, both translated by Brian Sneeden: Homerica (World Poetry Books: 2017) and recently, Cicada (New Directions: 2022).
The Vakalo Family Visiting Artist and Scholar Fund in the Modern Greek Program was created in 2018 through a gift by Kathleen Vakalo to provide support for visiting residencies by emerging scholars and artists. The Vakalo name is known throughout Greece for the wide range of contributions by George and Eleni Vakalo to poetry, the visual arts, criticism, education and cultural activism. Their son, Dr. George- Emmanuel Vakalo, brought this legacy to the University of Michigan as a professor in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning. Kathleen Vakalo, the widow of Dr. George-Emmanuel Vakalo, has established the endowed fund to honor her family’s contributions to Greek culture and to continue the connections between the Vakalo Family and the University of Michigan by supporting emerging scholars and artists and bringing contemporary Greece to an international audience, above and beyond the achievements of the country’s ancient past.
Born in Athens, Phoebe Giannisi is a poet and professor of Architecture at the University of Thessaly and the author of 8 books of poetry and a book on architecture. She holds degrees in Architecture, Philosophy, and a PhD in Classics. Her poetry moves between word, performance, and installation and investigates the connections of poetics with body and place. Giannisi has published 2 books in English, both translated by Brian Sneeden: Homerica (World Poetry Books: 2017) and recently, Cicada (New Directions: 2022).
The Vakalo Family Visiting Artist and Scholar Fund in the Modern Greek Program was created in 2018 through a gift by Kathleen Vakalo to provide support for visiting residencies by emerging scholars and artists. The Vakalo name is known throughout Greece for the wide range of contributions by George and Eleni Vakalo to poetry, the visual arts, criticism, education and cultural activism. Their son, Dr. George- Emmanuel Vakalo, brought this legacy to the University of Michigan as a professor in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning. Kathleen Vakalo, the widow of Dr. George-Emmanuel Vakalo, has established the endowed fund to honor her family’s contributions to Greek culture and to continue the connections between the Vakalo Family and the University of Michigan by supporting emerging scholars and artists and bringing contemporary Greece to an international audience, above and beyond the achievements of the country’s ancient past.