Why Does My Child Toe Walk? - Podiatrist Georgina Tay, East Coast Podiatry

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Toe Walking in Children: Causes, Management, and Prevention
Toe walking is a common concern for most parents, especially when it continues or occurs beyond the age of two. It can be a sign of a developmental delay, a poor vestibular system, or an underlying condition such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, or Asperger's.
In some cases, toe walking is simply a habit. For example, hyper-mobile children who struggle to engage an arch often toe walk to activate their arch.
Here are some additional tips for managing toe walking in children:
- Make sure your child's shoes fit properly. Shoes that are too tight can make it difficult for your child to walk on their heels.
- Encourage your child to participate in activities that require them to use their heels, such as running, jumping, and playing sports.
- Be patient and understanding. Toe walking can be a difficult habit to break. It may take some time and effort to help your child stop toe-walking.
If your child is toe walking, it is important to have them checked by a physician or a podiatrist to rule out any underlying medical conditions. These medical professionals can advise you on a number of different management strategies that can be used to help children who toe walk.
Toe walking is a common concern for most parents, especially when it continues or occurs beyond the age of two. It can be a sign of a developmental delay, a poor vestibular system, or an underlying condition such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, or Asperger's.
In some cases, toe walking is simply a habit. For example, hyper-mobile children who struggle to engage an arch often toe walk to activate their arch.
Here are some additional tips for managing toe walking in children:
- Make sure your child's shoes fit properly. Shoes that are too tight can make it difficult for your child to walk on their heels.
- Encourage your child to participate in activities that require them to use their heels, such as running, jumping, and playing sports.
- Be patient and understanding. Toe walking can be a difficult habit to break. It may take some time and effort to help your child stop toe-walking.
If your child is toe walking, it is important to have them checked by a physician or a podiatrist to rule out any underlying medical conditions. These medical professionals can advise you on a number of different management strategies that can be used to help children who toe walk.