Deafness in Dogs

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Dr. Lera talks about deafness in dogs with Boogie.

Generally, it is fairly straightforward to determine if a dog is deaf. Puppies who are deaf may seem slow to learn; they do not respond to their names or pick up verbal commands. Older dogs with acquired deafness may sleep through your arrival home from work. A few simple tests can check a dog’s hearing at home: rattle your keys, squeak a toy, clap your hands behind the dog, ring a bell & whistle. It is important to do these when your dog cannot see the source of the noise as they may respond to the visual cues and give a false result. If you get no response, it is a good bet that the dog is deaf. (source: VCA Hospitals)

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wonderful explanation. We need more Vets like Dr. Lera on youtube!


I've been trying to find a place that does BAER testing and it is not easy. Our little girl is an 11 year old Toy Manchester Terrier and otherwise healthy. I fear if she got away, she would not hear us calling. Our 14 year old Shih Tzu never seemed to loose her hearing.


My first dog as a child was born deaf we got her as a puppy around 6 month we stared to think she might be deaf so we bang pots together when she wasn’t looking, an she never look back,


My dog, had the parvo virus, while recovering at the vet, she has lost her hearing, she was on a lot of antibiotics, blood transfusion, and also while recovering at the vet, she has now a liver shunt? The Vet is not giving us much answers, we are now giving her Hills liver food, and Dulfphalc, twice a day, and liver medicine, she is recovering well at home, I would just like to know if her hearing will come back, at times it looks like she is hearing, but then again nothing


My Pit bull just went deaf, for no apparent reason. Trying to get him into the vet.


I have a 13 year old German Shepherd, she is going deaf, I hate it, she has been such a good dog!!! I am losing my hearing too, we kind of got OLD together. When I got her, she was 3 months old. She has been easy to train and been a lot of fun. But when I got her she was MUTE. She did not bark at all, just puppy squeal a little bit, not much, but one day when she was about 9 months old a neighbor came over ( I live in the country) and he was a Big man, she did NOT LIKE him, so she actually Barked and growled at him. From then on she would bark, though her bark sounded odd. But soon, the bark normalized. Her hearing has never been in question until now. She seems to be slipping pretty fast. I was at the VET today for another matter, I asked them if there was anything they could do, but they said NO. My own hearing is difficult to treat and EXPENSIVE. I wish I could help her, but I just try NOT to approach her from behind as she will turn around, see me suddenly and get STARTLED. Kind of scares her. Other than that she is a HAPPY DOG. Getting old SUCKS for man and beast. She is REALLY HEALTHY otherwise, in fact the vet was taken aback she was as OLD as she is. 13 is OLD for a GSD. She does NOT even have arthritis!!! She can run as fast as EVER. She sleeps a lot though, but except for the hearing and the LONG NAPS and gray hair on her face, she ACTS YOUNG. She looks GOOD. Amazing. Dogs are the best creatures!!!


My old girl is losing her hearing due to age. After taking showers, I find her sleeping in front of the dresser. I try to step over her and not disturb her, so I can get dressed. Occasionally, I don’t lift my foot high enough, depending on where and how she’s lying, and it brushes her head, causing her to startle like she heard a gunshot. It breaks my heart to see her like this. All in all, she is a happy, loved dog. She sleeps more now, but she’s still her neurotic old self.


And how much are those test? Probably thousands


My dog is deaf wen I shout him to come to me, but he has the best hearing wen I'm trying my best to be very quiet were food is concerned 😆 his hearing conveniently becomes the best ever then 😂


Should not the vet know if this is going to be the case?


My dog has gone deaf after teeth cleaning, it was a week ago, do you think it could return


My doctor doesn't do a scan for hearing. These vets charge so much for testing and visits that owners avoid the vet. My wife took our dog to an emergency 24 hour vet because she was breathing heavily. After scans, x-ray, blood tests etc etc ....over $5000.00, it turned out the dog possibly did not chew her kibbles well and had a bit of discomfort. Try to get your doctor to do a scan and testing for a sore tummy. It's excessive


Vets shouldn't charge so much to help cure pets, people love do much dogs in. America but vets are so expensive
