How to save richtextbox data to a text file in visual basic | Export data to a text file or RTF file

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Visual Basic tutorial :How to save richtextbox data to a text file in visual basic | Export data to a text file or RTF file | How to save richtextbox content to a file in visual basic |Visual Basic 6 Step by Step Tutorial
In the Part:1, we have demonstrated "How to Load data from a text file (RTF) to Richtextbox using Common Dialog Control and Richtextbox Control
in Visual Basic" and How to Clear Rich Text Box Control.
In Part:2, we have discussed about "How to save Richtextbox data to a Text File or RTF file".
All steps are explained in detail,no step is skipped while making this video tutorial.
Step by Step Tutorial
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sir I really like your video. Basically, I had made a code editor with vb 6.0 but now I had to replace the text box with a rich text box but now I am not able to change the font size of the rich text box with codes. Please help me out
