Come Along With Me - Pibby Apocalypse OST

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Come... To the dark side... Boo!
To put you in context.
This song is a luring song, a lullaby.
It's supposed to be a song where Pibby Finn tries to lure you/bf into the forest... The dark and very easy to get lost forest.. Spooky!
Hope you enjoy it! The demo is very soon so wait for it.

Art - Baudas
Cover Art edit - Schweizer
Video - Zero
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this is the kind of pibby songs i love, not trying to over-glitch the glitch effect, and it actually sounds like the darkness trying to trick someone using finns normal unglitched voice, they never really said that the glitch actually makes peoples voices all distorted, also just, it actually sounds like an adventure time song but somethings off


I love the name, I love the song, it’s perfect! I love the concept too, bf probably doesn’t know that Finns corrupted at this point. It feels like Finn was trying to lure him but realized bf wasn’t going to be fooled so easily so he came out to sing a full song. This is 🔥


These instrumentals have the same quality as actual songs made by professionals and veterans in the music industrys


The beginning of this song is beautifully haunting, it replicates such a nostalgic and melancholic feeling to it, yet the moment you slightly hear a glitched voiced you still feel comfortable but you think "Something's wrong...", yet you don't worry because, after all, it's your old friend Finn, isn't it? Then the beat suddenly drops, you realize that he is not the same anymore, something has changed, something is being slowly and drastically taken away, those years of happiness disappearing. Afterwards the music gets more intense as you understand that that's no longer Finn, and whoever it is it's coming for you and you better run FAST. You sing through the woods with this being, with the hope of saving whatever is left of that human soul, but it's no use, that thing just wants your entire being to join his hive mind, and if he has to fight to get what he wants he will, even if that leaves you dead and useless to him. It even tries to replicate that beautiful melody in the beginning to try and convince you that everything is ok, but you know he might be gone forever. For a few seconds however, you hear his normal voice again, you think you're finally making progress, but it was nothing but lies again, trying to lure you to his dark world.
After so much singing, you finally escape it, the only thing in your mind is peace and calm, yet you remember those melodies you sang with Finn and it all feels hopeless, it's like it didn't matter that you escaped at all. But, maybe things will get better from here out and hey, maybe that thing won't find you again, right?... Right???

The moment the team posted a teaser for this song i knew it would be amazing and it didn't disappoint, it really hit my emotional chords in the right place, i don't know exactly how but it did, as someone who watched Adventure Time since the first times it aired and watched the ending the day it came out this song really just was pretty nostalgic, haunting and had that hopeless feeling an apocalypse should have, which makes sense in the context, same with the name of the song, that was just perfect.
Extremely sorry for the paragraph again obviously, it's cringy but it's what i felt and saw in my head when i heard the song and read the description, yeah i know i'm getting emotional over a Pibby FNF song of all things but i already explained why even if it's dumb lmfao.
You really knocked it out of the park, this and Suffering Siblings are both masterpieces and your best work so far, tho i kind of like this one a bit more because of the emotional connection it had with me. Great ass job to you and the rest of the team, can't wait for the demo and to see how this song plays out (and if it will be similar to what i pictured lol)

PS: i know this comment is already too long but like, in the early sections, Finn's normal voice sounds a bit different from the vocal tone he has in his corrupted one, it's like he's younger, did you perchance use younger/early season's Finn's voice in that part or is that how the vocals sound when they aren't put through the corrupted filter? Really curious about it


こんな神曲見たことがない だってこんなに狂ってるようで悲しい曲想はめっちゃ好きだから aweさんこんな神曲を作ってくれてうれしいです!! このmodがいつ出るかとずっとうずうずしています!! 制作頑張ってください!!


No one:

The subtitles:
"I pray"
"My Birthday"
"Don't know"
"Thank you
"No No No No No No"
"Thank you"


The beginning is like the memories Finn had

Finn is slowly being taken over by the corruption at the part where his voice gets a bit higher pitched

He try’s to resist the corruption when the glitches start to happen

He gets more corrupted at the part when it gets better

He starts to remember Jake and resists a bit more at the sad sounding part

The glitch is fighting him as he sings

They fight for the body at the calm part that’s near the end

He couldn’t resist fully but he still has some control over the body


2:19 has got to be my fav part, especially when they sing the same notes


This is a banger, like always. I was mostly excited about this song in specific after seeing the teaser on Twitter. Now, we get to hear the whole thing, and I love it! Love the thumbnail and art style this time!


The mod is worth the wait.
All the songs are worth the wait.

Because lets be honest,
this is what a *true* pibby mod is supposed to be.

Wish y'all luck with the mod :)!


There should be a multi-crossover mod or song of all the OG Pibby mods, with all their Finns and Jakes, vs just a small blue-haired kid, lost in a forest. 👀


1:46 I love the fact that you can hear a deeper voice synced with Finn. It makes this part so much better than it already is


This was one of the best songs made by Awe herself folks. I hope y’all enjoyed this Legendary banger. :) The demo is soon to be released, just hang in there a little more and we’ll present you awesomeness. You won’t regret it!!!


Literally THE best Pibby themed song in the entire community imo. I love how Finn sounds somewhat normal at the start to try and lure BF in before going full corruption 😍


I like the sound of this! Sounds like even while being possessed and corrupted, this Finn is trying to still make the illusion it's human fit well, when of course it's not working and they're found out. It feels so cool, almost like a villain is trying to make a deal with the hero or something cool like that.

Amazing work Awe!


A pesar de que Pibby ya no da de que hablar desde hace rato, es bueno ver cómo la comunidad sigue haciendo trabajos con tanto amor a lo que quizás nunca sea una serie real, pero un concepto único.

Es una increíble canción, me encanta!!!


I love the feel this song gives off compared to 'suffering siblings'
It's like a calm before the storm, which is fitting as I hear rain in the background of the song.
Anyways, the song here feels to melodic and soft but also really energetic at the same time but not too fast or too slow,
Having a really great middle ground with of course a great leitmotif throughout the song which I love,
Really encapsulates the name of the song.
All in all, an incredible song and definitely something pibby mods need more of, I have high hopes for this mod for it to bee great and this and suffering siblings really show that it'll be damn great when it's finished :)


Old Pibby: Ear-piercing sounds that sounded terrible.
New Pibby: How Pibby Songs should sound, like this and my other favorite, Suffering Siblings.


This Shows A Different Type Of Vibe Of Survival, You Are Slowly Luring In The Forest But You Know Somethings Wrong, The Darkness Is Feels Like Is Behind You But Everytime You Look back, its gone, You Despair Into Nothingness, very soon, you realize there is no happy ending.


She is the only person who can make a Pibby song actually good that’s why I decided it’s the best time to subscribe to you!

Also MAN THIS IS A BANGER like always at this point! Keep it up! 👍
