3 big things I was wrong about in 2023

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0:00 Intro
3:04 Metformin/Berberine
12:10 Statins revisited
17:03 Statins in the muscle cells
20:20 When the liver is too full of cholesterol
21:23 Cholesterol biosynthesis
26:00 Stopping absorption in the small intestine
28:38 Boosting ketones
31:13 Why sardines are better
42:00 going to the next step with the KetoCONTINUUM
44:30 Why I wear a CGM
47:19 Metabolic Health Summit and promo code
48:00 Announcements
48:50 Q&A


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*This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Bosworth, MD. Our content informs and educates viewers. Medical advice is not given on this channel. Your personal physician gives the medical advice and treatment specific to your situation. Dr. Boz channel only educates. Consult your doctor or qualified health professional regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Bosworth nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person(s) receiving this educational content. Ask your health advisors before beginning any nutritional supplement or lifestyle program.
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Sorry, Doc, I completely disagree. You go through changes including dumping all the plant based toxins your body has stored for years on the Carnivore diet but it takes time. I have had such profound changes both physically and mentally on this diet I can hardly find the words for how grateful I am to have found this way of life. I was a 30 year vegan/veggie and wound up with multiple auto immune conditions. Plant based toxins are a very real, very deadly threat which needs to be addressed. There are no proper double blind studies that prove red meat and saturated fats are bad for us. It is a narrative driven by flawed falsified science in the 1950s which was never repeated or properly checked out. This diet is ancestrally appropriate and has far reaching positive health results. I've never felt this strong, calm and focused in my life and I am very angry at the establishment pushing their food pyramid narrative. We have been utterly harmed by it. My conditions are starting to reverse.


This woman’s level of authenticity, intelligence and accountability is off the charts! What a rare gem to find in the medical community ✨!


Never apologize for changing your mind - that is what I look for in a doctor/scientist. Intransigence kills!


I have been taking Metformin for over ten years. I have always hated the side effects of it. That being said I went from an A1C of 9.3 to 5.6 in four months without Metformin or any other diabetic drug going to a carnivore diet. My doctor told me that he will remove it from my prescriptions on my next A1C check if it is 5.6 or lower. 😊


I love that you will analyze what you've said and retract or correct it as needed. That inspires trust and respect.


Dr Doz, this is the first video I have watched given by you. You are extremely intellectual and informative and I can actually follow you so well. I’m 73, but feel I’m back in university classes again. I think you are wonderful!! Thank you so much for giving us such important information which we never receive from our own doctors. I look forward to learning and listening to you more often. 👍👏


I lost 40 lbs this year thanks to your book and your channel. Praying God’s blessings on you and your family. I’m going to lose 40 more starting in January. Thanks for all you teach us!


Thank Goodness You acknowledge being fallible and following up (like this video) is even more or most important!


Have an awesome Christmas Annette! Enjoy your family and festivities. 🎄


Dr Boz:
I love the way your words go into my brain and bounce around until they stink in. I understand you and that makes me happy. Thank you!


Thank you Dr Boz so much for always being real and admitting when your beliefs and ideas change so refreshing as all these experiences can and do evolve I SOOOoo respect you for this thank you fo rbeinging us all your latest knowledge and experience Bliss you and Happy Holidays 🌲


Metformin actually made me hungrier and did not even lower my blood sugar by any significant amount, I felt crappy and thought my blood sugar was too low but it was not. My doctor tried 500 mgs for a month then up to 750mg for 2 weeks felt worse went back down to 500 mg and it didn't do anything, felt like I was taking it to feel worse, not better. Stopped it and am back to low or no carb - focusing once again on ketones. it feels like an uphill battle but I'm never giving up. Thank you Dr. Boz for not giving up on showing up through hell or high water to save lives. You are appreciated!


So sweet! A tiny pup or two is exactly what you needed!


@drBoz This is written with all due respect. I’m thankful that you are admitting that the protein macro calculation paragraph on page 122 of your book is wrong. For some of us, using this calculation, made the grams of protein under 50 per day!! I understand that at the beginning of a low carb and/or keto diet the most important thing is high fat, carbs under 20. BUT, not clarifying in your book or even in your last 21-day metabolic class in September, that once fat-adapted we should adjust our protein (increase it), so that the next morning we are still in ketosis, this is VERY important. When some of us followed the advice on pg 122, for a year or more (cause we weren’t told when to stop), we had hair loss, lost muscle mass, tiredness, etc. I hope you include this information in the next class so that they don’t have to go through what some of us did.


I did a 3 day sardine fast from July 5-8 and stayed carnivore until September. After the first 3 days my appetite was practically GONE and Carnivore was easy. I lost 16 pounds that month and haven’t gained them back! Doing the sardine fast starting Dec 26th and looking forward to reaching my weight loss goals in 2024. Thanks for all the free support and for an economic-crisis friendly diet option.


Dr Boz! You have a wonderful joyful personality!


I would suggest maybe collaborating with Dr. Pradip Jamnadas. He is a cardiologist who advocates fasting and fixing your microbiome to help cardiovascular health and diabetes. His videos help drive home the importance of paying attention to what raises your insulin. He has videos on you tube as well. I love your informative videos. Keep up the great work!❤


Thanks for live show!! It was interesting!! Great community!!


Girl who wrote in about carnivore. This was my problem too my a1 c was elevated on strict carni. Most likely your elevated glucose is from eating way too much protein at one time and your body is converting it to glucose because it is not being used. I decreased my protein increased fat and started eating four times a day instead of two and decreased my a1c ramatically.


Love your teaching - such a service, thank you ❤
