Joscha Bach: The Six Stages of Development of the Self | The Western Confusion about Consciousness

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November 2, 2022
From Language to Consciousness (Guest: Joscha Bach)
and the next one it discovers is that the purpose of the whole exercise is to interact with the world and to control it so this creative spirit creates another spirit in its own image but it creates it as man and woman it creates such a way that it thinks it's a person the creative spirit is not the person your mind is not a person it's just a modeling system but it discovers that it needs to model a person it needs to create a personal self and this personal self has in some sense the same powers as the original creator serve it but it forgets them it forgets them it's not able to edit its own reality because otherwise it would cheat so it thinks it's the person it thinks it has social relationships it thinks these personal relationships are important it thinks it's super important what other people think about it it thinks it's very important what it self thinks about it this is what makes it human and this person emerges roughly around two and a half three years old and you notice that this is the age when kids start to consistently talk about this first person character from a first person perspective no longer from the third person and start to organize the memories from this new person perspective so they have childhood amnesia they don't remember the things that happened before not because their brains are mushy you can basically look at the young child a toddler they have perfect memories they can refer to things and then they suddenly forget all of that things that happen before a certain crucial age and I think this is when the new self takes over the one that is created in the image of the first and I think this is the reason why you have this confusing statement that god created people in its own image it refers to that spirit with a software agent that is built into the engine to perform the reflection the neurons don't know what it is like to feel anything they are a physical systems brains cannot feel anything physical systems cannot have experience this is correct but it would be super useful for the brain to do what it would be like to be a person that feels something so this person is created virtually as if our experience is virtual there is no person there is only what would it be like as if there was a person and what would that person feel if that person cared and what would that person think as a result of those feelings and what would it want as a result of having those feelings and what would it do as a result of wanting these things and having this model of what it could be doing and then we use the output of that model to drive behavior and we are inside of that dream inside of that model and outside of that model there is no consciousness if you woke up from the dream you would not be there so I think this person itself is an intermediate stage it happens after you are well organized enough to discover that you have a self but before you are well organized enough to deconstruct it again so our personal consciousness is intermediate and the older we get the more we deconstruct our qualia and I suspect that if we lived for a few hundred years we would not be conscious in the human sense
From Language to Consciousness (Guest: Joscha Bach)
and the next one it discovers is that the purpose of the whole exercise is to interact with the world and to control it so this creative spirit creates another spirit in its own image but it creates it as man and woman it creates such a way that it thinks it's a person the creative spirit is not the person your mind is not a person it's just a modeling system but it discovers that it needs to model a person it needs to create a personal self and this personal self has in some sense the same powers as the original creator serve it but it forgets them it forgets them it's not able to edit its own reality because otherwise it would cheat so it thinks it's the person it thinks it has social relationships it thinks these personal relationships are important it thinks it's super important what other people think about it it thinks it's very important what it self thinks about it this is what makes it human and this person emerges roughly around two and a half three years old and you notice that this is the age when kids start to consistently talk about this first person character from a first person perspective no longer from the third person and start to organize the memories from this new person perspective so they have childhood amnesia they don't remember the things that happened before not because their brains are mushy you can basically look at the young child a toddler they have perfect memories they can refer to things and then they suddenly forget all of that things that happen before a certain crucial age and I think this is when the new self takes over the one that is created in the image of the first and I think this is the reason why you have this confusing statement that god created people in its own image it refers to that spirit with a software agent that is built into the engine to perform the reflection the neurons don't know what it is like to feel anything they are a physical systems brains cannot feel anything physical systems cannot have experience this is correct but it would be super useful for the brain to do what it would be like to be a person that feels something so this person is created virtually as if our experience is virtual there is no person there is only what would it be like as if there was a person and what would that person feel if that person cared and what would that person think as a result of those feelings and what would it want as a result of having those feelings and what would it do as a result of wanting these things and having this model of what it could be doing and then we use the output of that model to drive behavior and we are inside of that dream inside of that model and outside of that model there is no consciousness if you woke up from the dream you would not be there so I think this person itself is an intermediate stage it happens after you are well organized enough to discover that you have a self but before you are well organized enough to deconstruct it again so our personal consciousness is intermediate and the older we get the more we deconstruct our qualia and I suspect that if we lived for a few hundred years we would not be conscious in the human sense