Jehovah's Witnesses Memorial 2024 unbelievable wrong date JW_Untoldtruth # 488

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The Jehovah's Witnesses regards themselves has having the absolute truth in bible understanding as their information comes straight from God's holy spirit but this time it seems this holy spirit forgot to mention about the leap lunar year
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The reality is, WT celebrating the Memorial on the wrong day fits into everything else that's wrong with this event.

In the past few years, the number of partakers has been increasing, not _decreasing, _ as WT had always said would happen. Here's how WT categorizes these partakers:

_"Memorial partakers...Does this total represent the number of anointed ones on earth? Not necessarily. A number of factors- including past religious beliefs or even _*_mental or emotional imbalance-_*_ might cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling."_ w11 8/15 p.24

So, what does it matter if WT has the wrong date? Most JWs will reject the emblems, and those that do partake are labelled as deranged by WT. The entire event is a circus run by the clowns of the governing body.


Thank you I have already seen 4 EXJW videos on the same subject, but it is thanks to your video that I really understood. I'm going to discuss it with my family and see how they react. Thank you very much for making an educational video that helps you understand the problem. THANK YOU.


They simply dont care what you tell them....Its like talking to a brick wall


I believe last years date was off as well. Can you verify this?


Hey., Shut up, sit down, be quiet!!! It’s the truth! Their Truth, 🙃😮🤪everything they do is upside down and backwards !🤥


I've never known a JW to admit being wrong about anything, anytime. They just get new light. Poor things


What? Watchtower attaching the wrong date to an event? Inconceivable!

Now I'm going to have to re-think the Jesus returned in *1874* and Armageddon will come in *1914* dates, as they may not be true after all.


So if the j w's go by the solar calendar instead of the lunar calendar, Does that mean that they got it right? Why would they use the lunar calendar when they claim to be christian? Just curious.


LOL the jehovah witnesses celebrating the wrong date after all


Next question is, should we celebrate it only once a year.


I don't know what the JW use for counting the date of Passover or Memorial.

But, what you are talking about the Leap Year of 19 year is a 19 years Metonic Cyle which this system is UNBIBLICAL because we can't read it in the Bible.

That's why you didn't mention any Bible references about the 19 year Metonic cycle because that system is not in the Bible, right?

How about the 1 Tishri, Rosh Hashanah?
Whether a leap year or not, THE NEW YEAR (1st Tishri, Rosh Hashanah) begins on the day the new Moon appears. 

Can we say that it is wrong because the Jews didn't follow the leap year system?

The Modern Jewish Calendar that called fixed calendar was first used by the Jews since the 4th Century C.E. about 300 years from the time of Jesus and the apostles.

You mentioned:
Dueronomy 16: 1
"Keep the month of spring ( הָֽאָבִ֔יב), and make the Passover offering to the Lord (יְהֹוָ֧ה)"
- The Complete Jewish Bible
(chodesh ha-aviv)

What is the Month of Spring:

ADAR - February to March
NISAN - March - April
IYAR - April - May

Which of those months do you think is the Spring Month?
Search in Google:
What is the Month of Spring in Chabad
(Chabad is an Orthodox Jewish post)

You say the 19 year Metonic cycle is correct but why don't you show here that you can determine the correct date and explain to us what the biblical bases are?


Memorial March 24. (YouTube JW_untoldtruth) To the PUBLIC on why this guy is wrong (and how evil he is if he blocks this reply). The 3rd year begins with Nisan so Veadr is next March not this March. Joshua died in 1442bc (though Jews say 1242bc); and when he started the 19-year calendar (which Jews say Adam started it in 3761bc), they claim Adam started it (year 1) the Tishri 1 of 3762bc (astral -3761). Yet they argue the epoc as starting 3760bc). 3761bc sunset Tishri 1 =G.Sept 6 =Oct 7 with 7th month 3760bc sunset Nisan 1 =G.Mar 3 =Apr 2. The point now being year 1 is claimed as Tishri before NIsan when Joshua started the year 1 with 1443bc Nisan 1 =G.Mar 25 = Apr 6 and 1443bc 7th month Tishri 1 so that 3rd year 1441bc Nisan will end as 13 months in March 1440bc not a VeAdar in March 1441bc. That goes for 3rd year 2024AD having its VeAdar March 2025 not this March 2024. Now do you worship Joshua Nisan or do you worship Adam 3761bc. Venus tablets 1625bc says Adam is 4025bc not 3761bc so i will stay with my Jehovah God and Joshua which means Jah saves us.

Not to mention that Marduk 2023 (Mars behind sun as it was 1914 Dec 24/25) was Nov 18 as Wisconsin statute limit for WT wrongful death of my mother with invalid legal hospice Medicare signatures; making 120-day Harran Syria 120-day Marduk March 17/18. Mars has drifted back from the Abram family calendar of Terah TauMarduk (our Apr 4) Babel 60-day Marduk (our Jun 3) and Harran Marduk (our Aug 2); that is from Aug 2 drift back to March 17. AND as the March 17 Palm Sunday (Jesus here in form of his wife the Son of Man) as 7 days to 1-day symbol instant rapture March 24 East-star (not March 24 Catholic Palm Sunday whose East-star is March 31). If the 137, 000 raise my mother as 1 of 2 witnesses or even creates a 3rd, then they have 7 days to make the last 7000 prepared for rapture by finanically gettig them to te British state of New York under 1763 and 1914 legal binding proclamations of Anglican Church to God. The 7000 shown Elijah MUST be numbered andnamed and located this March 24 and others told to LEAVE, go be Judas, even in Norway (the most northern existing king of the north). If this much comes true predicted here for 8 days from now, be assured your Dec 25 will be the great tribulation of warin Sodom while the evacuation flees the 40-day asteroid that puts the canopy back up. Or do you not know the 1514bc comet wiped 5 civilizations not just Egypt.


Why is this directed at Jehovah's Witnesses only?
The rest of Christendom is celebrating it on 29 March.
Also, the presenter is adamant that the Jewish passover is not 24th March but is 24th of April 2024.
It is in fact 22nd of April 2024.


fant moj judovsi memorjal je napačen memorjal po sončnem koledarju je bižji in enohov koledar in to je 2.april
