Trump defends his personal attacks on Harris: 'I've always spoken my mind'

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In an exclusive TV interview with CBS News political correspondent Caitlin Huey-Burns on Monday, former President Donald Trump defended hurling personal insults at his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, saying he's going to continue to speak his mind because he thinks "she'll destroy our country" if she wins in November.

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"I've always spoken my mind" he said. Well his mind must be depraved!


He is running a dirty negative campaign and he sounds like a broken record.


He does nothing but put everyone down. That's a real turn off for most people. Smartest guy in the room.


if you feel the need to tell people how intelligent you are ...


Trump speaking his mind is exactly the problem. Even many of his supporters will admit that much.


Wait, I'm confused....i remember from the 2020 campaign that we won't have a country anymore if Joe Biden became president. Where does the bonus country come from?


A person who has to call others stupid while calling himself smart is quite the opposite.


Doing what every school bully does ! Attack your opponent with what ever you think youcan because you got NOTHING ELSE.... EVERYONE has dealt with this kinda crap, just gotta remember going to school


You know who are not BRIGHT PEOPLE, people who have done busy with you and haven't gotten paid!! Attorneys who work for you facing DISBARMENT!!!


Kamala is an educated lawyer. Trump is a simpleton.


It's not smart to paint yourself orange everyday


FRUMP is uninformed, mean, petulant, and incredibly immature. He just needs to GO, and let Republicans regain some normalcy and integrity!


No Books, no friends, no music, no curiosity, no patience, no integrity, no compassion, no empathy, no loyalty, no conscience, no courage, no manners, no respect, no character, no morality, no honor ....Psychopath?


Charles Manson spoke his mind as well. What does that prove?


His lack of discipline will cost the election. I hope he accepts the result and never runs again


He wants to win to stay out of jail. PERIOD


He's spoken his mind so much he has nothing left. His lights are on, but nobody's home.


Donald on appearance and intelligence .
Is pure projection on, Where he feels Weak.
Bring on the Debate.
The Prosecutor vs The Felon Streamed Live Nation Wide


So his mind is full of unnecessary trash. His mouth is just the exit


Sorry to say I used to be a Republican, used to listen to conservative talk radio, believed in what they said and that made me a true American. Noticed the anger in Liberals when they spoke, the trickery they played to prove a point. I just wanted to care about this country, my birthland, the only home I know.

Then I started talking to others, thinking of my past.

I was never granted the ability to accept the body of Christ, because I was never baptized, I was zeroed out as an outcast while in a house of the Lord.
I still where my Crucifix, cause nobody knows.
I've never said a Hail Mary, never done anything I feel should require one.
Republicans on the other hand, or conservatives quote it all the time.

I don't want to live a life, and if I care at all for the younger generations, force them to live a life of fear.
Fear of being shunned or outcasted for what they feel.
Told they have no control over their bodies.
Right now, you can't have tattoos exposed to become a police officer in certain districts.
Don't touch the fact that they don't have regular mental check ups.
Police Officers have a Serious impact on society, they are needed and their job requires them to stay focused, disassociation is needed. The laws when they react tend to be against them and that sucks, Unions are not changing that, they just prolong an issue.
Unions are actually needed if ran correctly, but I'm on the fence with them.

Cause until the laws are changed and we are actually free with a Government who will back us up, we will continue to have outsiders taking advantage of loopholes and our own Birthland people dying

I gave up on the Republicans when they ALL basically told Women they have no control over their bodies.
I care for my Mother, Early Onset Dementia, she taught all her sons to respect Women.
Then they take that away, what's next.
It's SICK to see Women voting for their own denial of rights.

Brainwashing is simple if you can find a control trigger,

I just received a postcard from a Republic deal, looks like it's hand signed (scary if it actually is).
Country scene, guy on a horse, cowboy hat, looking at mountains, All missing in a Marlboro logo.

That's long enough, vented and it will show at the polls, or not, really just want a respectable home, something I can be proud of. Kamala could do that.
Trump is a Shyster, and I'm not Jewish either (I like that word).
Grandmother always said that using vulgarities and profanity, only shows you don't know words better to express your point and only shows your ignorance.
