Knitting Ep. 5: Current and Future Project Plans!

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Silent long time watcher. The way you described your friend is I think how many of us feel about you - you are very inspirational and so interesting to us! Your videos always bring peace to me, they are a breath of fresh air. Thank you for sharing.


It's so fun how you collect followers from all over the YouTube niches. Dolls, fountain pens, & now knitting!


I love the warm happiness you bring with every video, no matter the topic!


You are progressing so fast!
Guage swatch: unless it is a hat or a cowl, I always guage swatch and wash it. Done correctly it will save you so much time! Once you get to know your patterns and your yarns maybe you could skip it. If you are knitting in the round, you should guage swatch in the round.
Socks: I believe you can wash socks of superwash yarn in the washer but then you have the stretch factor to deal with. I always have socks on the needle, I prefer toe up so I can try them on as I go along, ribbing in the foot area is very forgiving and easier to fit, and DK weight yarn is my preferred yarn weight. Andrea Mowrys Bear Paw socks are my favorite. And handwashing wool socks is pretty easy and gets to be a habit (I also wear wool socks several times before I wash them) when you get enough toss them in a pan of wool wash and warm water, let them soak until the water is cold or when you remember them, roll in towel and walk on them to squeeze out water and then hang to dry. I love how they seem to change and mold to my feet through several washings.
Sorry for the long answer. I am just so excited for you on your knitting journey! You are doing fabulous.


As someone living the sock-making dream, I say go for it! I buy commercial (rather than “indie-dyed”) sock yarn. Always machine wash, line dry and it works well even for socks that are over 20 years old and going strong. I wear handknit socks every day except in the summer and have about 24 in the rotation.


Hey Alicia

I have a jar of wool “soap” (dissolved Lux soap flakes) in my shower and I just wash my handknit & wool socks while I’m showering. Easy peasy ☀️


Having to frog your sweater project was probably a little painful, but now you're on track to knit a garment you will actually enjoy wearing! Echoing other comments about gauge swatches. I always, always make these for bigger projects because yarn + needle size + knitting tension are all elements that will vary for each knitter. Bonus tip: keep the gauge swatch until you have completed the project. I've run into instances where I've literally needed to unravel the swatch in order to have enough yarn to complete the project! And when I don't, they can be converted into cat toys, or drinks coasters.😆

Socks: it is worth it to learn a cast-on style called the Old Norwegian cast-on, or German Twisted cast-on for any top-down sock pattern. Lots of good YouTube videos. This method will give your cast-on edge just that little bit of extra elasticity to help them be comfortable and stay in place on your leg. And I typically hand-wash all my hand-knits, socks too, as it is a total bummer to take them out of a washing machine -- even in a cold, delicate wash cycle -- only to find they've become felted or misshapen.😕 Continued best wishes for your knitting journey!


I’m a long time knitter, and worked at a shop for years. I hand wash all my handmade socks, even the superwash yarns. Basically.
, they just have a coating that protects the wool, but it will eventually wash off leaving the wool to shrink. Consider a hand wash a way to love and appreciate your time and work. If you ever want help or assistance, just dm me. But I also know some of the best lessons are learned by making the mistakes too. ❤️ Unasked for advice: ALWAYS do a gauge swatch. Every time I skip this step I regret it.


You encouraged me to go way beyond my comfort zone. I just darned a hole in my sock. I thank you. My sock thanks you :)


It's gratifying to see and hear you talk about such concrete things, things that make living beautiful. Thanks.


YOU are the coolest most inspiring!!😭❤ I’m so so so glad we started spending time together! (Also let me know if you want to borrow my needles for your project… we can make our own crafting library!)


I've knit many many many socks out of all types yarns and fibers. I wash them ALL in the machine - cold water, delicate cycle, then hang them over a clothes rack to air dry.
I wash them with other socks of similar colors. If you only have a couple pair, maybe put them in with delicate undies or something. Just don't wash them with jeans or any heavy fabric with zippers or hooks or buttons to snag on. As long as they are not getting beat up, you shouldn't have a problem with felting.


For as long as I’ve knit my socks, I wash all my hand knit socks in my washer on Delicate/cold water and then hang by toes to air dry on a drying rack (or if there’s too many for the drying rack, just lay flat on towels to air dry). If you like a plusher sock yarn that is washable look for 6ply or 8 ply sock yarns - commercially available, I think both Regia and Opal make 6 and 8 ply. So glad that you are continuing to enjoy knitting 🧶 😊❤


I always use superwash wool for my socks, and I just throw them in the wash with the rest of my laundry (I wash everything on cool anyway). I hang the socks to dry, and I've not had any problems so far! If I have enough then I'll do a separate delicate load, but I usually can't be bothered. Fingers crossed this time the sweater will be perfect!


Did you get gauge with your swatch? If you have to go up 2 sizes in the pattern, I wonder about gauge. The sweater looks lovely. Happy knitting!


I have been a knitter for many, many years . I am also a fountain pen collector and a volunteer ranger. Have a lot in common with you. Love watching your channel.What is the name of the fiber artist in Canada ? Would love to check out her videos.


Have you thought about using magic loop for your socks? I’ve been knitting for over 40 years and was very comfortable with DPNs, but I am a total convert to magic loop. First, it’s a lot harder to pull out a needle and dropping stitches when removing your work from a bag, but that needle can also be used for other projects making it a more versatile tool. I’m with you on more colorful socks! It’s a chance for those of us who are more conservative in our color choices to get a little wild :).


Don't for a second think I'm an experienced knitter, but... I have heard the rule of thumb: if it's hand made, it should be hand washed.


Lovely projects! Thanks for sharing…it gives ideas for future projects of my own. By the way …I have been gifted lots of different size needles over the years and many of them I don’t use at all. I will be happy to give you the ones you need if they are in my stash.let me know and I will give you my contact info. Cheers, love and happiness from Phoenix!


@verypinkknits talks about washing according to the yarn instructions and how she washes her socks on her podcast.
