Σύβοτα Θεσπρωτίας | Syvota Thesprotia

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Sy­vo­ta (Greek: Σύβοτα, be­fo­re 1940: Μούρτος Mour­tos pro­noun­ced [ˈmur­tos]) is a vil­la­ge and a for­mer mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty in The­spro­tia, Epi­rus, Gree­ce. Sin­ce the 2011 lo­cal go­vern­ment re­form it is part of the mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty Igou­me­ni­t­sa, of whi­ch it is a mu­ni­ci­pal unit. The mu­ni­ci­pal unit has an area of 72.439 km2. The po­pu­la­tion in 2011 was 875 for the vil­la­ge, and 2,640 for the mu­ni­ci­pal unit.

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