Turn And Tilt Your Head

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In this video I will be talking about the importance of neck and head tilts throughout the swing to give players more physical mobility and explain how this can greatly affect your body movement. This is something that not alot of people think about and can be the missing piece if you want to make some great changes to your swing.

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Dude you must have cameras around me with my struggles😆😉. Another 🔥🔥 Video. Thabk you Jonathan always great content.


amazing insight in this confusing process of the swing not many pros cover this like you have here many tks


Ive hurt my neck a few times trying to be super stiff and steady so this really helps. Cheers


I’m right handed and I discovered just by chance that instead of looking straight down at the ball I slightly turn my head to the trail side so my left eye is lined up with the back of ball. I don’t know why it works but it makes my downswing and follow through work perfectly.


I think this instruction is spot on. My neck (cervical spine) does not have enough curve, probably because of a whip lash accident. On top of that I have arthritis in my neck and lower back. I’m taking video lessons and I’ve noticed my neck is not rotating as you recommend. It’s very noticeable in the follow through where I also have a slight amount of chicken wing and my chest is not rotating up as it should. I will be working to correct it and I’m confident it will eliminate my neck pain.


Another great video. The more I play the more I realize it’s HOW I swing, make contact, etc. It has been really fun learning from others on how to bring it all together. Thank you.


Thank you so much for this. I could not figure out why my left clavicle always ached after a round or time in the practice bin. Thanks to your short video and now this, I realize that I try to deliberately keep my head still in my backswing and follow through and “rotate around the spine.” When my timing gets off or I get tired, the tendency is to strain the neck over the left shoulder even more, in the hopes that the timing will return and the impact position improves. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your videos (this one, how to release the club, and the one on thinning the ball especially).


GREAT video. Don’t see this enough. Most just don’t have flexibility without some head movement. They do everything they can to keep the head too still to the detriment of they overall swing. Especially older players. Thanks Jonathan!


Just curious Jon, do you think eye dominance has a role to play in this situation? If so, could you elaborate?


Excellent video and so relevant and underestimated 👍😃⛳


I think that eye dominance has a huge role in this. Nicklaus was left eye dominant so he turned his head to the right, which probably aided his turn. Right eye dominance can discourage turning. If it’s bad enough, try an open stance. Obviously then you’ll need to develop a swing that works from that stance.


Great video as always Jonathan…concise and straight to the point. I have seen videos that gives all the lectures but not much of the causes and effect and the simple drills…thank you…


Your lessons are brilliant, the swing and follow through lesson will certainly eliminate my chicken wing style. Looking forward to going out to the range to practice. Thank you 🙏🏼


Great instruction! Jack Nicklaus epitomized the head tilt you demonstrate in this video, eyeballing the ball with his left eye—seemed to work okay for him. 😉


This was very good . I needed this video


Great video for me since I have arthritis on c1 thru c5 and balance becomes an issue. Will work on vour advice for those of us who are in our advance years.


Super coach super athletic sportsman very charismatic must be fine golfplayer and ambassador for golf n any way thank you


I can't express enough how much this information is going to help me! I've only played five times and my close game is very very good but I can't hit the ball with any kind of power and feel like I'm just swinging with my arms and I'll basically lay the shaft on my shoulders. I can hit the ball kinda straight but it goes off to the left a bit and I can't hit any club farther then like 100 yards. Even my driver. I can hit it every single time but it goes off to the left some and since I know that i aim nore to the right and out the tee far right in the tee box. But I get no power and my brother in law thinks that's my farthest I can hit it cause I'm a pretty skinny guy but I'm very athletic. He played for four years same with his friend and I'm already basically better then his friend but I just can't hit the ball far at all. Also they're absolutely horrible at close range while I'm only doing one or two putts cause I never take long putts. I'll always chip it with the 9 iron and get very very close to the hole or almost make it and I can even pop the ball straight up and land with basically no roll and accurately but my far game is so terrible. I just don't understand it. Tbh I can't even believe I'm already this good for only playing five times. And practiced once for two hours with my 8 yr old nieces club and then I gotta rent horrible old rusted clubs at the golf course. I literally can't find even just ONE club under 100 freaking dollars let alone a set. I can't even afford to play the sport but I absolutely love it and just sucks I have to practice with nothing in my hands or I'll use freaking Christmas present wrap or a stick from a tree or a towel. It sucks but I'm so determined. I've gotten yelled at on the course to get off if I can't play. So I'm literally running to my balls and trying to rush everything and I hate it. Half the time I don't even get to putt cause ppl I'll be playing with won't let me try to hit it on the green


I was thinking the same. I am a right handed golfer & right eye dominates. Do I adjust?


What do you think about the slight rotation of the head and eyes back as a backswing initiator and then having the hands, arms and shoulders move jafterwards?
