A Dentist's Guide to Toothpaste

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Let's look past the marketing to find the real differences (and similarities) between toothpastes.

A dentist's guide for how to find out what ingredients are in toothpastes and which ones you should be looking out for. What are the differences between the different kinds of fluoride? What is potassium nitrate and why might you want it in your toothpaste? Does whitening toothpaste actually do anything?

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As someone who overthinks every single thing, I appreciate you breaking this down! Thank you so much.


This is the best way of explaining things: simplifying and categorizing


so this guy just has the most relaxing voice in the world huh


I’m absolutely shocked you only have tens of subscribers. I found this Video to be very informative, and high quality. Your voice and presentation was very pleasant.


Thank you so much for breaking down the info to where even with my medications I can understand which toothpaste to use. I often fall asleep at night before I can brush because of my medications I am on (Suboxone and Gabapentin for pain, Klonopin and Zyprexa for panic disorder/Anxiety) so this info helps a lot! I often overthink a lot of things because of my anxiety disorder but this video helped put me at some ease! Thank you, Dr Tyler!


You are the most dentist sounding dentist! Are you all so gentle speaking? It’s very soothing. Great video 😊


This was a fantastic video! Thank you so much. Also the editing and
visual aids added perfectly to your well-metered speech.


Thank you very much for this. I'm from the UK and what you have just explained to me on your video has made so much more sense to what dentists here in the UK have told me over the years ( i'm 46yr old ). Thanks again.


This is exactly what I have been looking for as I’ve been researching toothpaste for the last hour. So informative, thanks!!


Honestly thank you. I needed more toothpaste as I was running out and went out and specifically got Stannous Fluoride toothpaste.


From the first second into the video, I thought this doc's so humble


Thank you so much! This was very helpful and very easy to understand. The only thing I wish it had is the option of subtitles, but otherwise your voice is clear and easy to follow


watched multiple videos and this was by far the most helpful. thanks for simplifying this very confusing topic


This was very informative. I am a toothpaste fanatic, can never have enough. I just feel that I don't have the right one every time. But now I know what to look out for.. Thanks Doc..


Thank you just a young boy trying to find out which is the best toothpaste


I have watched so many videos related to this topic but your videos is so informative, the way you explained things was so gentle. I would definitely share your video with others.


From experience, I totally agree with going to the dentist and having a dental hygienist clean and polish your teeth to remove any stains. During your visit ask the dentist or hygienist what you can do to prevent the staining. Maybe you need to stop or cut down on drinking dark soft drinks or coffee with cream and sugar. They might even say you can continue to drink and eat as before but you need to brush differently or with a different type of brush or toothpaste. I was getting stains on the inside of my bottom front 4 teeth (the 4 between the canines) from drinking coffee with cream and sugar. I was able to continue drinking coffee with cream and sugar but I needed to brush my teeth 20 to 30 minutes after I was done drinking and if for some reason I wasn't able to brush them, I was told to rinse and swoosh my mouth with warm water immediately after I was done drinking my coffe to help dissolve and spit out the remaining sugar in my mouth. Both the brushing and rinsing with warm water took care of the issue.

I would avoid using whitening toothpaste, but if you decide to use it, only use it for a week or two. If the stain doesn't go away during this time, discontinue using it and go see a dental hygienist. Whitening toothpaste will wear away your enamel after using it for a long time. If you wear away your enamel, you will have yellowish/brown teeth. Not a good look.


Seriously doctor, thank you you break it for us in a simple way.


Wow this was a fantastic breakdown and accurate portrayal of the toothpaste aisle!


*Thank u so much Doc! I wish your channel was recognized more.* 😄
