Tomb Raider 2013 - 10 Years Later (Review)

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Tomb Raider 2013 is based on the story of Lara in the manual of the original 1996 game, where Lara is stranded and must try to stay alive and make it back home. How does it hold up in 2023? Let's find out.

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I had fun playing this game. And I think it's a great survival/action game with a female lead. However it never felt like a Lara Croft game to me. I understand they wanted a new direction for TR, but I miss the Lady Lara Croft we grew up playing.


I've replayed this one two weeks ago! It's not the classic Lara, but it's still a very well-made and enjoyable game. Of the newest trilogy, I like this game the most, because its story flowed so well compared to Rise and Shadow. Still holding my fingers crossed for this Lara to become sassy like the old one.


I just played through all three survivor games in the past two weeks. I played this game back in 2013-14 and love its gameplay and story. Seeing Lara's body and clothes take damage as the game progresses is a great attention to detail that adds to the game's immersion.


I’ll be honest, I absolutely loved the gameplay mechanics of the Survivor trilogy, and the stories weren’t terrible. I would say I enjoyed them as much as classic TR *as games*, but my brain kind of performed a mental shift where I wasn’t thinking of her as the same character at all. They are two separate franchises to me.


I think one of the biggest combat mistakes of this trilogy was not building off of the dual pistols battle at the end and extending it to the next two games. The ending could have been used to explain how Lara got the dual pistols, but Crystal Dynamics for some reason stubbornly refused to replicate it again in the subsequent games.


This is basically a version of uncharted with superior gameplay mechanics. As someone who thinks the original game is tomb raider at its absolute best, this is also a pretty fun game


Your channel suits my problem. I also have the same games on my backlog. Keep going!


I absolutely love the new tomb raider series!! Makes Lara seem more human a bit but still has some of the classic points even if subtle


Great action game. This was the last era game developers focused more on gameplay, not pretty Graphics and visuals like the chore we have now. 🤦‍♂️


I liked the video but the no game audio was strange, good review.


I love this game, I remember back then when it first came out. I though the graphic was amazing and Lara is crazy beautiful. Strong female lead character before the whole woke shit!


I would like to belive that this is the same Lara as the originals, things just look different because the original story was told through a Playstation 1 and from winstons perspective, which lets be honest, isnt the most reliable source


I really loved this game, have been playing this for a week off and on and felt fun and pretty straightforward. The key is however the haunting and disturbing visuals of island of yamatai, gave me some nightmares. Pretty top notch visuals


While I did enjoy the gameplay loop I don't have any fondness for the characters or story, constantly beating up Lara didn't make me feel sorry for her and I hated the voice acting. Also pet peeve of mine, I wish she had better animations she's all floaty and key framed like a puppet.


if you just take this game on its own as a prequel and dont count the other 2 games then yeah. Atleast this game had her using dual pistols to kill the final boss as a reference to the original games. I wanted Rise and Shadow to continue with her dual handguns but nope.. more survival crap.. it made sense for the narrative in this game. But the survival bs overstayed its welcome in the last 2 games..🙄


I just start to play it for firsttime and in the beginning I can say that they destroyed original Tomb Raider by copying competition.


I’m playing through it right now, and pretty much at the end. It’s just okay, definitely a mixed bag. I’d say if you can’t get your hands on an Uncharted game, this is an okay backup.


I thoroughly disliked this entire survivor trilogy. Poster child for generic AAA bore feats with hand holding and QTEs. Characters yacking over and over non stop. Making Lara to be an unlikeable miserable character.


I just tried to replay this and found it worse than I remembered and that was already bad. The CONSTANT cut scene interruptions and hijacking the controls to force you along scripted paths every 10 steps and forced quick time events was infuriating! Combine that with Lara's never ending whining and "I can do this" back patting nonsense and I found it unplayable/intolerable. Rise of the Tomb Raider was slightly better about the QTEs but the game itself is an almost step for step copy of the previous game with a new skin on it. Both are utter trash.


this game has too much combat... i hated it.
