Pastor Says Women who do THIS are an Abomination!

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This video is another example of someone reading something into a passage that really isn’t there. To see what I mean, I want you to consider two questions. First, what does this verse teach? Second, does a woman wearing pants violate what this verse teaches?

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I’ve never looked at a woman wearing pants and thought “wow, she’s tryna look like a dude.” A dude wearing a sundress confused because he thinks he is a woman, is a pretty drastic difference between a woman wearing… women’s pants


This is exactly the kind of nonsense that occurs when people try to read the Bible through a modern lens. Well done, Mr. B!


At the time those verses were written neither men or women wore pants!


Every time I hear a pastor say “women can’t wear pants” I look at them and say “well, when that verse was written, both men and women wore robes, so why aren’t you dressed like a man?” That shuts them up pretty quickly. Fundamentalists get annoying quickly


Ran into this about 35 years ago at a church camping trip. This was an independent Baptist Church in the deep south. Part of the activities during this camping trip was a fair amount of horseback riding. When I showed up in jeans to the ride, I was immediately pulled off the horse by the Pastor and absolutely GRILLED on why I wasn’t wearing a skirt. I explained that I wasn’t comfortable throwing my leg over a horse while wearing a skirt because it felt indecent. Quite a stink was made, over being unwilling to flash my undergarments at a church function. Not good. The wrong sort of legalism often sends people running from the church. Jesus told us to treat our brothers and sisters in Christ GENTLY.
He said that for a reason. ❤️


I was really small when my dad and another man discussed this topic. Dad said he would take him to any women's store and buy him any of the pant suits for women on the floor. The man said no because they are for women. That was the beginning for this person to change their mind on what is men's and women's clothing.


I'm so glad you're out there setting the record straight. It's just so sad when people get confused about Christianity, because of misinformation. I think it's one of the best things that a person can do to serve the body of Christ, to clearly and logically Express the truth of scripture, for what it actually intends.


Red Pen is great when it comes to debunking attacks from outside Christianity but I appreciate this video because we need to recognize that there are problems within also. Sometimes honest & faithful Christians fail to interpret the text in a careful & accurate way. *The best way to correct bad teaching with good teaching* 👍


I wear all kinds of clothing, as long as its modest. This preaching is frightening... thanks for giving clarity on this topic ❤


I believe that passage really means that men are not to pass themselves off as women, and women aren’t supposed to pass themselves off as men. It’s not the clothing, but the intent behind the clothing


💯 Thank you! I cannot "Amen" this exhortation enough! It all boils down to the heart and intent.


Woman's pants are designed and wear differently from men's pants. There's a clear distinction. They aren't trying to look like men. My wife wears my hoodies. She's not trying to look like me.
Thanks for this great video. You are spot on.


If the clothes are made for women (pants or otherwise) then they are women's clothes, yes?


The very first church I went to after becoming a Christian was a little like this. Compared with what's going on now in regard to 'men can become women' and vice-versa, that church is almost sounding not crazy by comparison lol



Mark 7:18–23 (ESV): 18 And he said to them, “Then are you also without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him, 19 since it enters not his heart but his stomach, and is expelled?” (Thus he declared all foods clean.) 20 And he said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. 21 For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, 22 coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. 23 All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”

Its always a heart issue


People who aren't Christian will take one listen to a "pastor" like that and base their entire opinion on Christianity (and by extension, Christians) on them.

Pastors, priests, etc. always need to be careful when reading scripture so as to not misinterpret it and to risk coming off sounding like that guy.


Thousands of years ago everybody basically wore a dress 🤷 *And I do appreciate you representing my Scottish heritage CORRECTLY!* God bless Tim 💜 And God bless *ALL* my Brother's and Sister's out there reading this 💜


I like when I can never find the right articulated words to describe my view, then find someone who can, did & shares it.
Now I can form my words of my views more poignantly. thank you


Well said Mr. B. I interpret those verses the same way in that this is about transgenderism and not a fashion statement.


Men's jeans and women's jeans are cut differently. Is this pastor suggesting that men wear some Gloria Vanderbilt jeans with fancy embroidery on the tush? To him, all pants are for men. I assume he won't let his wife wear his jacket if she was cold and forgot her sweater.

It's just ridiculous. Pants are so obviously appropriate for women in our culture and are designed for the female form. The problem is shopping for clothes in the opposite sex section.
