Cron Job || Schedule Task in Laravel || Cron Job in Laravel || Task Scheduling in Laravel

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#TrueRealityTech #truerealitytech

Showing everyMinute() method full working. Pause video to see the codes properly.
if you upload on server then also set your full path in crontab -e for scheduling.

#important::::: in place of "////" use hyphen forward angle. see in video
In Kernel:::
protected $commands = [
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
In Command///CreateUser::::
php artisan make::CreateUser
use DB;
protected $signature = 'cronJobs:createUser';
protected $description = 'User Create Demo';
public function handle()
$holdData = array('LastName'//// 'Srivastav','FirstName' //// 'Rahul','Age' //// '23');
echo "Created\n";
# important Videos Below:
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Hi Sir.
How can I start the schedule in windows on the localhost?
Thank You.
