The State of the 2016 Presidential Election, the Role of the Media, and Obama’s Legacy

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Recorded on October 7, 2016
Fred Barnes and Stephen Hayes discuss the media’s role in the 2016 presidential election and how it has changed and become more biased in this election. They discuss what history will say about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and how history has treated past US presidents. In addition, Barnes and Hayes discuss Obama’s legacy including Obamacare, the Iran nuclear deal, Guantanamo, and the lack of economic growth. Part of Obama’s legacy includes the rise of Trump and Clinton. Their rise is also caused by government policies, the poor economy, lack of faith in our government, and the shift to the left that this country has taken. Barnes summed up Obama’s presidency saying Obama presided over America’s retreat both internationally and domestically.

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The Operational Definition of Insanity gets invoked so often that it has become a cliche`. But it is, none the less, true. Listening to this discussion of three intelligent men, who are experts on public affairs, and are hard-bitten media veterans, I can't help but be struck by the idea that their real objection to Trump's candidacy comes down to a simple, "That's not how we've always done it before."

I mean, isn't that really the basis for the unhinged response of the mainstream media? Trump is different. Trump is a novelty. Trump doesn't conform to the model that we've seen for the last - I don't know - 100 years? Trump isn't a politician in the classic sense, but he sure seems to have an intuitive grasp of politics that borders on genius. He defeated 16 professional, experienced, well-funded politicians, with solid name recognition, and he beat them fair and square while only spending bus fare of the traditional methods of advertising and staff.

Trump was not my choice. Scott Walker was. But my preferred horse fell before he even got to the first hurdle - after spending $40-Mil. Looking back I realize I liked Walker because he conformed to the classic model Republican: a Governor. But I began to understand that in choosing him I was only doing the same thing I've done in every previous election while expecting a different result. And I think I can make the same argument for those preferring every other candidate.

For the last 50 years I've been hearing talk of "When the Revolution comes." Well, buckle up, because the Revolution is here. And it's gonna be a wild ride with no guarantees of the outcome.


My one sentence on Obama: "He failed at improving anything for anyone"


I voted Trump because he drives exactly all the right people barking dog mad.


Peter, Excellent discussion as usual.


vote for Trump...
Trump is just a normal guy like 90% the rest the world why he will win he is here to help us the people ...


Peter Robinson, you (and Dave Rubin) have to be one of the better interviewers I have seen. Questions are lively and coherent all while still bringing away a nice bit of insight into the responses. In contrast, other interviewers in popular media outlets ask nonsensical questions and do not really get any constructive responses for the viewers to understand as they like to break them down by adding their biased twist.


You all forgot one thing....the will of the people


Funny how much the election changed days after this was filmed.


Only 5 minutes at the end but Conservatives are engaging popular culture.


How can seemingly intelligent people be so wrong! I'll never believe anything these fools say again.


All the panel dislikes Trump. I'm sure nothing biased can come out of this.


Perhaps Trump is uninformed on much of the world but someone please tell me what were Obama's qualifications to be president in 2008? That is why they have advisers. Hillary may know more world leaders and picked many of their pockets but the policies of her and Obama did not rise to the level of "smarts."


Mr. Robinson, you must get Dr. Sowell on soon. I'm very interested to get his take on Trump's presidency, and the state of the country.


In addition to the factors that Ferguson mentions as contributing to the dumbing down of American society, I would add the "Juvenilization of American Christianity" as described by Thomas Bergler as another significant cause of American's immaturity.


32:05 sane questions, at least have considered Trump can become president.


Good discussion with many good points. I think you misjudge Donald Trump. He gets the important things right and he's smarter than you give him credit for. If he's elected I predict his presidency will surprise you. He was not my first choice in the beginning but studying him he's deeper than I first thought. His family and people he's known and worked with for a long time hold him in high esteem. He says the right things, not because he's been prompted to but because it's what he believes. What you see is what you get.


Quote @ 35m addressing how we arrived at this political situation is insightful. I believe it omits an important factor - the politicians.
Some Pols have told untruths about others, to score political advantage. Some Pols have told untruths about government institutions. Some Pols refuse to hold members of their own party to standards of integrity. A net effect on the voters is to hear how bad candidates of both parties are and how bad government is. After repeatedly hearing this, some will believe it - thus looking for an 'outsider'.


Probably the fairest discussion on these topics I've seen.


There's no business like show business


Bull. Gary Johnson IS a Libertarian and is interested in FAR more than legalization of marijuana--but he can barely get a word in edgwise on other subjects during interviews because all the interviewers want to talk to him about his drug legalization views. This is just typical, lazy journalism that isn't paying attention at all.
