David Bentley Hart - Is God a 'Person'?

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Fascinating articulation of God. I have been struggling with the psychological God and the Transcendental God. Hart may have answered that for me.


atemporality and temporality of God....holding to the Christian tradition I believe in both. transcendentals of truth, goodness, and beauty being rooted in the "person" of God. this vid is great


I really want to see him in debate/conversation with some process-relational and open & relational theologian and philosophers. Those sparks could shed real light about both positions.


Mineral water: it’s what consciousness craves.


God is my father. Through Christ. I don´t know how, I don´t know why. All I know that God´s spirit lives in me & influences me. God is my father. Period. Kind regards from Germany.
ὅτι ἐξ αὐτοῦ καὶ δι’ αὐτοῦ καὶ εἰς αὐτὸν τὰ πάντα· Rom 11:36
I´m in content knowing that...


I want to see David Bentley Hart, William Lane Craig and Edward Feser teach Vacation Bible School some summer.


In the Zen Buddhist tradition there's a sense that the Timeless/Absolute and the Temporal/Relative are ultimately One, and that we can experience the Ultimate in the particular objects, events, and experiences of our daily lives. I wonder if this helps clarify the nature of God. Yes, God is absolutely transcendent, infinitely perfect, standing outside of time, without a shadow of change. But is He not also, paradoxically, fully immersed in time? Is He not so intimately related with each and every one of His creatures, that in some sense He identifies with each of them, and He suffers when they suffer and rejoices when they rejoice, and in general He enters the world in and through creatures (like Moses and the burning bush)? In this sense God is infinitely mutable/changeable, in that He adapts Himself constantly and dynamically to all creatures, times, situations, so as to be with each of them according to their various conditions. In entering into time and the process of change this way, He does not compromise His infinite perfections or His timelessness, but veils and partially reveals that divine Essence in all times and places.


Beautiful explanation
Beautiful thought


I am not sure who didn't read the memo of Jesus as outlined in the NW. What it comes down to is that the purpose of Life is Love. It's why we are different.


The instant I heard of classical theism I found it very convincing.


I'm curious about Hart's Christology, particularly the two natures.


I just don't understand how classical theism fits with the incarnation. It seems like they're saying God is One, He isn't made of parts, He's incapable of suffering, and He's unchanging, impassable, and timeless. That seems to just take the meaning out of the passion and incarnation in a way.


2:40 Jung never reduced God to psychology. Jung was against reductionism in general. Freud was the psychologist who tried to do that. JP doesn't reduce God to psychology either, he just explains the psychological significance of God. This isn't the same as reductionism. This is a very profound distinction. This is not to say that some don't try to reduce God to the empirical ego psychology. DBH is actually performing this reduction needlessly.

As Jung observed...

This is certainly not to say that what we call the unconscious is identical with God or is set up in his place. It is simply the medium from which religious experience seems to flow. As to what the further cause of such experience may be, the answer to this lies beyond the range of human knowledge. Knowledge of God is a transcendental problem.”

This just means theist must have faith, And only God knows.


How can God be bound by time if He is the creator of time?


I love how some need to cram God into a box made by what man believes He must be, or cannot be, or else He is not God. It seems very arrogant of the intellectuals, they sure sound wise, but we know what the bible says about that.

Way above my intellectual grasp.


Then he never understood rabbi Yeshua in the first place, radical Torah observance not its abandonment - that was his teaching!


There needs to be a discussion between David Bentley Hart and Jordan Peterson.


Why DBH makes things SO difficult sometimes. Is God a person or And when I'm saying person is He an unembodied MIND or consciousness or Sometimes he talks about God as God is something like an abstract law totally devoid of WILL, INTELLECT, GOODNESS, JUSTICE. DBH needs to be little more precise I think. I would really love to have a debate with Alvin Plantinga, William Lane Craig, Richard Swinburne, Keith Ward anyone of these philosophers cause honestly sometimes I really think that he is not Christian.


Wow - Hart is turning into a perfect Ash'ari !


I’ve bought two of his books this week. Reading the NT and waiting for the Delusions to get here tomorrow. Hey now. If universalism, which I love and want to be true, why did Jesus come and die and be raised and ascend and all that? Why the ensuing confusion of thousands of churches, etc? I am troubled by all this coming from a Church of Christ uber fundamentalist background that morphed by degrees into pentecostalism, charismaticism, Old Catholicism (Jansenists), Messianic Judaism a la Israel triumphsism, episcopalianism, agnosticism, atheism, and now just seekingism. Thank you for any response.
