IQ and Fluoride: What's a Parent to Do??

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With the release of the recent JAMA-Pediatrics article, the issue of Fluoridated water and child IQ is back in the news. JAMA-Peds would never have published this article, due to it's controversial nature, if they didn't believe this was an Important conversation.
If swallowing lots of Fluoride really helps prevent cavities then we should do it. Unless, it leads to other, more important consequences, like lowered IQ.

We all want our children to be as smart as they can be, but what if something in the water is robbing them of 3 IQ points before they even get started? Is this new study the only study ever published showing this association between ingested Fluoride and lowered IQ?

Parents want to do everything possible to give their children a head start. A child with lower IQ is at a disadvantage, but so is a child with a mouth full of rotten teeth. So, what's a parent to do? In this video I discuss the recent JAMA-Peds study, the other studies which don't seem to get talked about, how the human brain develops, and what I do as a parent, and recommend for you to do as well.

Is Fluoridated water a neurotoxin?? Let's dive in to this important topic.


27 study meta-analysis showing association between high F and low IQ

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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Рекомендации по теме

I never even thought about foods that are made with water!!!! WOAH! I am lucky enough to have lived in places that never fluoridated their water but had not considered it coming from somewhere else! Thanks again Dr. Berry!!! You are amazing, keep making the world a better place!


I was a water plant operator, who's job was to treat water to make it safe. Part of my job was to add sodium silica fluoride at 0.8 parts per million to the water. When going to class for water treament, other water operators would converse about health effects of adding flouride to water. We also determined that we were practicing medicine without a license. Studies from China were showing that strontium accumulation to bones, and brain were direct effects of ingesting flouride in the watef. Biased research in U.S. was minimal. World Health organization has advocated flouride addition to water supply since 1958.
Many cities in U.S. are haveing debate on adding flouride to their water.
I am here to tell you, do not drink water that has been fluoridated because of strontium accumulation to bones and brain. China does not add flouride to their water.
Thank you Dr. Berry raising alarm on this intentional detriment to health. Please look into China's research of health effects of flouride.


The ADA is going into overtime on this one! I worked in a dental office when the controversy surrounding mercury in dental fillings hit the news. People were lining up to have all their silver fillings replaced. Not a single one of them inquired about the safety of a bunch of chemicals that could only be hardened by a blue light, being used as a replacement.


One of the biggest things I was happy about... moving to our new property.. was getting to drill a well for water! We were blessed by hitting a spring with great water and NO FLUORIDE!!


Fluoride in majority of toothpastes ! I went fluoride free years ago not had a headache since !😁


I opened this specifically because my kids just went to the dentist to get their normal check ups. What a relief when I listened to Dr Berry's recommendation about fluoride.


It's also important to note that the fluoride they put in the water isn't the same as the medical grade fluoride your dentist has or your toothpaste contains. It comes from industrial by-products from phosphate farming. And what's phospate used for you may ask? None other than synthetic fertilizers of course. It's like big agriculture is seriously trying to kill us, but not without their profit first. It's also interesting to see how they pushed fluoride into the water in the first place. Much like seed oils that didn't have a purpose and were just a useless toxic waste. They sold it as "public health."


For some of us, every 1/10 of an IQ score counts. I stopped drinking city water when my last baby was born in California and the doc said to not to let her ingest it because the fluoride levels could ruin her teeth. Seems backwards from what dentists say.


It's also thought to inhibit the pineal gland (3rd eye / intuition). Another form of "dumbing down" the masses!


"In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster than any chemical." Dr. Dean Burk
"I am appalled at using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable." Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd


Is there any research that shows actually swallowing Fluoride improves tooth quality??


I'm 49 and when I was in elementary they had us rinse with fluoride and told us "do not swallow any!" Now they're putting it in the water? My water is not fluoridated thank goodness!


How could these studies determine their IQ would be higher? Speculation. I'm not saying fluoride is good, just don't believe they can prove what the IQ would have been.


My friend's wife is a dental hygienist and she thinks the fluoride controversy is ridiculous. I think it's ridiculous to trade mental function for pretty teeth.

Whether you believe fluoride is beneficial or not, what about the issue of informed consent? If I put a drug in your drink while you aren't looking, I'll go to prison, but massive numbers of people are being given a medical treatment without our consent because of water system fluoridation.


I live in Ottawa and have emailed the city council and mayor. They replied that the Ministry of the Environment say it's safe at applied levels, blah blah blah. They don't even question the matter and just go along with it.


We've known all this info about fluoride since first beginning to study it back in 2007. Now, the information is finally going mainstream. I can't advise anyone on the issue, but here's what a professional dentist and scientist told me to do many years ago:

The fluoride ion and calcium have a very high molecular affinity for each other. A calcium supplement in the morning and evening hours and the calcium contained in organic milk will neutralize the fluoride acid intentionally placed there by many water departments. In order to avoid drinking tap water, we use rainwater that has been treated by a distiller machine (yes, we live in the big city and collect rain after the roof has cleaned itself for a while). This removes most of the toxins and heavy metals and such. We then filter the water through a carbon filter and add a little over one teaspoon of baking soda per gallon in order to return it to a pH level that is more natural. We usually keep 12 gallons of "clean" water in reserve. Our health has gotten so much better since taking these steps. And, our doctors continue to tell us how "lucky" we are at our age.
I believe we would continue this regimen even if fluoride were finally removed from the water supply. With all the other toxins intentionally placed into our environment by those who know the harm and by those who know so little about what it does to everyone, we factor the relatively small cost and call it the price for remaining healthy.
Thanks for the great info, Dr. Berry!


I agree a study that is designed to detect actual causation is definitely needed. And for far more than a sample size of 500.


Beware of Bluetooth in-ear bud exposure Dr Ken!


@KenDBerryMD PLEASE Consider this, I have researched ways of removing fluoride from water a considerable amount. But, first thing because you pointed it out, and most people likely do not believe it, Tap water filters and jug filters Do Not Remove Fluoride! Many people have purchased those cheap fluoride test kits, think are around $15.00 usd, and they indicate a fluoride drop when water is passed through above mentioned filters. Yes, I do really believe they do show this, but I also know for a fact that filtering water as above can not remove fluoride. What the people need to consider is all the ways that passing water through something can cause those CHEAP test kits to indicate a FALSE Result. And another thing, those Cheap test kits are not rated in any way as to the accuracy, repeatability and other important aspects. Now, The MAIN POINT of this post, you said that Distilling removes fluoride and that RO Filters remove it. My research shows that distilling does not work because, if I remember correct (I am at work and do not have my notes here) fluoride boils off at about the same temperature as water, and so, nothing withing the scope of affordability of the typical person will work. Now for RO, the problem here is that the fluoride molecule is the SAME SIZE as a water molecule, and so, if you FILTER out fluoride you also filter out water, net result, nothing comes out of the filter. Now for something that, as far as I know, has never been done. A TEST! A REAL Test. Nobody has ever tested any sort device that is marketed to the public as to how effective it is at removing fluoride. I barley get by financially, but, I may be willing to PARTIALLY FUND a CHEAP research project to test the above mentioned methods. If I recall correct, I think an accurate enough lab test from an accredited lab is around $350.00. Not sure how many samples that covers. I do know how to take samples, know the proper methods and tools, and can get those supplies, very cheap. But, maybe you would consider, with me, seeing if we can put together some kind of a CHEAP but effective project that can PROVE with no doubt if the average person can afford to remove fluoride from their drinking water, and also if it is affordable to remove it from their Bathing / Shower water also.


Fluoride is a byproduct of the aluminium industry. How can it be good for you?
