
Показать описание
MindCuber-RI is a robot that can solve the well-known Rubik's Cube® puzzle.

It is built using elements from a single LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor set 51515.

MindCuber-RI is significantly faster than previous MindCuber and PrimeCuber designs because it makes use of the fourth motor available in the Robot Inventor set to implement a faster tilting mechanism. Older MINDSTORMS and SPIKE Prime sets only included three motors.

Thanks to my great friend Mike Dobson (co-creator of the CubeStormer designs) for his help in the mechanical design of this creation and for allowing me to use one of his great musical tracks.
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Just wanted to express my appreciation that you shared this with the rest of the world for free. Without a doubt my most fun 51515 build so far and the kids were really impressed seeing it in action. The wife even took a moment to appreciate the ingeniunity. Big thanks!


My son was checking every other day if the building instructions are published. :) We love this build! It works like an industrial robot and it looks great. Thank you, David & Mike!


This is just awesome! So compact, such a clever mechanical design and the software is blazing fast. Beautiful! Really amazing!!


Amazing model David and Mike! I loved the arms movement!


Great to see you're still active, Dave. I still remember building and troubleshooting the NXT MindCuber over 10 years ago with some of your feedback. Here's to more machines in the future!


I built it and it works great and also looks cool. Thank you for this fantastic robot.


Hi ! Thanks for the video, i just built the robot and it is great.
I faced some issues related to wrong connection between motors and hub but i fixed it pretty easily changing the motors mapping in the script.
It might be interesting to write explicitly in the doc this mapping.
As I understand it from the script, it must be:
A -> distance sensor
B -> tilt 1
C -> color sensor
D -> turntable
E -> scan (color sensor related motor)
F -> tilt 2
Last thing, to "debug" and check which motor was plug on which port, i simply created a new program with the Scratch interface then i tried the motor one by one.


Huge thanks for publishing and sharing this. I built this yesterday, and I’m impressed. Some great Lego engineering, and it’s so fast(without the optional look-up tables).
My cube is a bit smaller than ‘standard’, and the robot couldn’t scan it properly. After a bit of thinking, I simply lifted the front of the robot up a cm or two, so my cube always slid to the back of the basket (i.e. stayed close to the sensor), and it worked perfectly!
Can you share a few insights into what’s going on with the program load process? Are you somehow loading in some resident code with the first two programs so that - even though they are deleted - the final solver program can access them somehow?

This is absolutely the most impressive build I have come across with the 51515 RI set - I’m surprised that Lego haven’t asked you if they can use it for advertising purposes.


I built it and it works great and also looks cool. I have only a question: what kind of software did you use to design it and create instructions? Thank you.


Can u please post a clear video on how to use it on Mac


Can you PLS help me? I built it but when I start the code it starts turning, just turning forever... Also tried to start with a cube it tells me to take the cube back and when I do it starts turning...


Hello. I just did this build today. I have some issues with it. First is that the sensor does not recognize the color white, and second sometimes the grip misses the cube and causes it to think that it did it correctly when it tried to do so but missed it, and sometimes it jammed the grips altogether, resulting in a cube that it says is finished but is not actually finished. Also sometimes the color sensor went over the cube causing it to be jammed. Sometimes it reads the cube 3 times then just stop. Only once did I had this work, so do you know what is the problem here?


Hello, I really respect and admire your creation. Well done. I have a question, My robot works till 0:37 perfectly. But after this, hub says "your cube is solved" Im so confused. can you help me if you dont mind? Thanks so much


hey today i made this model but when the model scans the cube, it doesn't move and keep puting up arrow in the screen. Can you troubleshoot this problem?


What cube should I use? I have a original Rubik’s cube but it gets stuck because the cube doesn’t turn very well


Hey, great work. I was wonder if you can share what cube do you have ? I have one which is not great, it stucks often. I implemented the thing but for some reason after detecting the faces nothing happens. I'm thinking that the cube might be the problem, right now I have maybe the cheapest on the market.
So, can you tell me which one do you have ?


Hey i wanted to ask about the ev3 coreset edition of then mindCub3r. I successfully built the robot itself, but when i get to the code thats the problem. It says that "scancube block does not exist" the variable itself doesn't exsit?? That's the thing please if u can respond as quickly as possible


Hello! I really liked your robot. Built. I wanted to download program to the hub Robot Inventor. On the site it was said that in the program errors should be ignored. I got them. What should I do?


Hi, I made the model and downloaded the code, then I got to the bit just before you adjust the basket. The colour sensor went down and then back up agin then it started whirring and the arms that make the Rubik's cube flip over did nothing. Can you help me? Thanks so much.


Is there anyone that has a scrambler program set up for this build? I tried doing it myself and had no luck.
