Light Language Blessing: Emotional Intelligence

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I invite you to feel your truth and your emotions in their fullest capacities in order to clear your attachments to them and allow future interactions to flow freely as energy is meant to flow throughout the universe.

Fully understanding your personal emotions and experiences of emotion. Light Language Warning, LOL, where in order to fully understand your emotions you do have to fully experience and explore your emotions. This does not have to be a daunting or downright fearful task in discovering your true self and how you express your reality. You are a conscious creator and we often forget that emotions ‘work for us’ and are meant to pass through in the moments we experience them and rather we tend to gather and hoard our emotions in our physicality (body) to experience not-so-pleasant symptoms as a result… we do this unconsciously, mostly. Once we become more conscious of our emotions and allow them to express themselves before letting them go for good in every moment, we can maintain a better flow through life of receiving and giving all kinds of energy as the energetic beings we are becoming more and more.

This light language energy is an emotional intelligence activation and booster to sync the truth of yourself with your experiences in regards to the emotional body of consciousness within us all.

Рекомендации по теме

I had no idea how much I needed to hear these words.. Thank you


Elizabeth, in addition to your description will this light language assist with releasing emotions we've been holding onto in our physicality?
