What Is Paganism? Exploring Definitions and Meanings with Lora O'Brien at the Irish Pagan School

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Lora O'Brien from the Irish Pagan School gives a clear paganism definition, exploring both ancient and modern paganism perspectives, and answers the question - what is paganism, in simple terms. Learn about ancient polytheistic religions, animism as a foundation of spirituality, and how these traditions influence contemporary paganism. Discover how modern pagan paths like Wicca, Asatru, and Druidry connect to historical roots, and understand the significance of reclaiming the term "paganism" in today's spiritual landscape.

At the Irish Pagan School we offer Online Classes on Irish Paganism, Mythology, History, Heritage, Culture, Magic and Spirituality, taught by native Irish Educators, based in County Waterford, Ireland.

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Cynth A. B. Salas recommends The Irish Pagan School...
"IPS has truly excellent teachers and a large amount of content to choose from. Highly recommended if you are interested in Irish paganism, history, traditions, or lore."

Stíofáinín O Meidhir recommends The Irish Pagan School...
"Fabulous courses, authentic Irish sources. A wide variety of education across the spectrum of Irish paganism and amazing free courses also."

Rowan Ives recommends The Irish Pagan School...
"The courses at the Irish Pagan School offer an in-depth approach to Irish paganism that is based on genuine history and folklore. There is so much here for curious learners of all levels to gain knowledge and insight on their spiritual paths while avoiding the misinformation that is sadly common in popular modern paganism. I have benefited greatly from the classes and look forward to taking more."

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Рекомендации по теме

Lora, my 6 yo daughter got a glimpse on my phone when I was reading your newsletter and asked me what Paganism "actually" is. It led us to a beautiful conversation, some clarification and lots of other questions, thank you very much for the inspiration ✨️💕


Thank you Lora! I am looking forward to this class tomorrow!


I always enjoy your channel and podcast, the free content is all I can afford in this season of my life, I appreciate you offering so much free education. On a side note your highlights in your hair are stunning Lora!


I'm mind blown! I was researching about Christianity and what came before it within the uk and read it was paganism. Having now looked into it, its all starting to make sense to me this is me! Through out my life i have been always drawn to nature, my name Lee literally means meadow and i am gay so never felt like i was truly appreciated or excepted with Christianity because of this.
I will have to look more into paganism because i am only just learning about it tonight but i feel like this is my calling so far. Thanks for sharing!


"...even politicians." LOL! :D

Animism is my path.


Again my fault I couldn't watch it until now I was busy yesterday