Quantum Audio Interfaces Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | PreSonus

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Our brand new Quantum audio interfaces were recently released and have already been popping up in recording studios and creative spaces all over the world.

Since the release, we've had several great questions about the new lineup. In this quick video, Gregor Beyerle dives into the most frequently asked questions around the Quantum ES and HD series.

0:00 Intro
0:14 What is Quantum's Round Trip Latency?
0:45 Can I Bypass Quantum's Preamps?
1:25 Connect Multiple HD 8 with ADAT
2:26 What is "Aux Power" on Quantum ES ?

Learn more:


• *High Performance Signal Flow* – low-latency, low-noise (HD: 32-bit/192 kHz, ES: 24 bit/192 kHz)
• *All-New MAX-HD Mic Preamps* – digitally-controlled analog with +75 dB of gain range
• *Co-Developed with Fender®* – Front-facing instrument inputs
• *Professional Recording Software Included* – Studio One+ (6 months with ES models, 12 months with HD models) with full access to Studio One DAW, add-ons, and more.
• *Auto Gain* – Dial in recording-ready levels, hassle-free
• *Universal Control App* – Full control and metering on mobile, desktop, or tablet

*"Which PreSonus Quantum Audio Interface is right for me?"*

The Quantum ES 2 and ES 4 models are powerful, compact audio interfaces that deliver pristine preamps and class-leading converters with an intuitive and accessible design – making it the perfect interface for self-made audio creators capturing their creativity at home, or on the go.

The Quantum HD 2 and HD 8 audio interfaces deliver premium performance and high-fidelity features. The HD 8 is rackmounted, while the HD 2 features a sleek and stylish tabletop form. With high-quality 32-bit converters, extensive I/O, reamping capabilities, and 12-months of access to Studio One+ Hybrid, these interfaces are perfect for professional producers and engineers requiring more flexibility and power for their studio sessions.

Learn more and order yours now:

Quantum Audio Interfaces Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | PreSonus
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One other cool thing no one is talking about? is that if you get the ES, then you get 6 months free Studio One +, BUT by buying another 6 month of + it becomes a Perpetual license! Pretty good deal I think. Did not try it myself yet but will order an ES soon :) Got the info from Rick Naqvi who is VP of sales on Fender :)


I think the latency questions is why have Presonus abandoned the low latency architecture of the original line of Quantum interfaces? My Quantum 2626 has a round trip latency of exactly 1ms at 96khz, 32 samples. Compare that to the 3.28ms of the new Quantum interface in this video and the questions is why have Presonus abandoned the most compelling feature of the Quantum interfaces?

Okay, the new ones have better converters (allegedly) and better preamps (allegedly) but you'd expect those on updated model. But speed was the one thing that made the Quantum interfaces so special, and which meant you didn't need any kind of DSP mixer or UC routings.

That's what gave the Quantum interfaces and Studio One such a powerful workflow.

It's hugely disappointing.


I bought a Quantum ES 2 a few days ago. It was a hassle to set up at first, until I connected it directly to my MacBook M1 Max, rather than through my ThunderBolt 4 dock.
I am very happy with it overall, but I am struggling to understand how to use the loopback feature, which is why I bought this interface. The USB software manual discusses this, but doesn't give detailed instructions on different scenarios. I haven't been able to find any YouTube videos or blog posts on this either. I managed to get some results I was after, but I really didn't understand what I was doing.
Like other posters, I am curious why PreSonus decided to go with USB rather than Thunderbolt, which has lower latency. I am guessing that the USB route has fewer compatibility issues than Thunderbolt, and a few extra milliseconds doesn't make much of a difference to most people. Or maybe cost was a factor.


Gregor, what happened to your video on latency, the blue Z, and recording through plugins? Was the update delayed for some reason? As a Quantum HD user, I was excited about your announcement.


Thanks for this video @presonus. I had a question regarding the Guitar Inputs and Re-amp outputs. Could those be used simultaneously? I'd like to record a direct in guitar and then at the same time run that through a rig and record the microphone of that as well.


Want to ask before buy my new setup.
Can presonus quantum hd 8 with universal control app use for ear monitor 5 musician mix from their phone independent setup for each musician ?


I understand that the inclusion of Studio One + with a perpetual license is a great enticement to purchase this interface. But for those of us who already have S1+ or Professional there is really no bundle enticement at all. Hope they rethink this approach. I am a big fan of S1 Pro but why would I spend a thousand bux for the interface just to stay in the Presonus ecosystem when competitors with comparable products bundle them with hundreds of dollars worth of some fine plug-ins, most of which I don't already own.


Please make a video on adding external hardware on the ES4 and Protools.


Do you have to wait the whole entire 12 months in order to obtain the Studio One Perpetual license, or can you get it sooner?? 🤷🏽
And is it possible to get Studio One 7 upgrade with it when it comes out since I already had Studio One 6 prior before purchasing the HD8??? 🤷🏽


Can you connect a thunderbolt 3 laptop port to the quantum HD 2? Would you need an adapter cable etc.?


Gregor, thank you for this video. Clears things up a bit more. I currently have two Quantum 2626. Gregor, have you run into any performance issues with the HD 8 using USB C speed compared to Thunderbolt?


The Quantum ES 4's encoder wheel also clicks. However, I'm not sure if the click can be used anywhere... I've not been able to figure out if the click feature is useful, or if it's just useful on the HD series that have a display...

Update: I've answered my own question. The manual says the push button feature of the knob is for if the Quantum ES becomes unresponsive. The firmware can be restored by putting the Quantum ES into recovery mode and connecting to Universal Control. You do this by powering off the device and holding down the encoder wheel. While still holding the wheel down, power on the device. The light ring around the knob should then blink blue to show that it is in recovery mode. While it restores you are then supposed to make their Top Secret recipe for… Redfish Couvillion. The recipe is included in the Quantum ES Series manual... 😅


On the es 2 you only get a preamp on the insreument cable?


You should for Hybrid mixing and analog tracking with external pre-amps.


Hello Gregor, I am confused about the hd2. The specs say it has only 2 preamps, but it has 4 inputs, two instrument and two mic/line. I need to be able to record at the same time two instruments and one mike, or two mikes and one instrument. There are enough inputs for that, but only two preamps, not 3 or 4, how does that work?


Gregor thank you for this video, but how to connect external pre or compressor using the pipeline plugin????


If i connect two quantum 2626 interfaces separately into my MAC mini how do i set this up in pro tools?


Hello Gregor, Would i be able to expand the input channels from the quantum hd8 to track more channels with a presonus nsb16.8 stagebox ?


Hi Gregor - how many HD8's can i connect together?


Got a question that maybe someone here can answer. I've got a Quantum ES 2 which I've connected to a guitar through the instrument input, and headphones, connected to my desktop computer. I can hear the audio from my computer in the headphones, but I can't hear input from my guitar in real time. If I record into Ableton Live and play back it is clear that the input is being received by device. Also I can see the meters display the input when I play. Any idea what could be the problem?
