Adaptability of The Functional Analysis | Behavior Science

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Stefanie Perrin is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst with Brett DiNovi and Associates. In this video she covers fifth edition Task List areas A-5 ( Describe and define the dimensions of applied behavior analysis) ,F-8 (Conduct a functional analysis of problem behavior), and E-6 (Behavior analysts’ ethical responsibility to the profession of behavior analysis). Stefanie defines what a functional analysis is, reasons Behavior Analysts do not conduct analyses, as well as the board's code of ethic's view on this topic.
Brett DiNovi is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst & the founder & CEO of the largest award-winning behavioral consultation/OBM group of its kind on the East Coast of the United States which deploys over 600 consultants in 300 school districts/agencies throughout NJ, NY, PA, NY, DE, ME, FL, CA, & worldwide through the use of remote video consultation.
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