2. Nondeterminism, Closure Properties, Conversion of Regular Expressions to FA

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MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020
Instructor: Michael Sipser
Quickly reviewed last lecture. Introduced nondeterministic finite automata (NFA). Proved that NFA and DFA are equivalent in power. Proved that the class of regular languages is closed under concatenation and star. Showed conversion of regular expressions to NFAs.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Instructor: Michael Sipser
Quickly reviewed last lecture. Introduced nondeterministic finite automata (NFA). Proved that NFA and DFA are equivalent in power. Proved that the class of regular languages is closed under concatenation and star. Showed conversion of regular expressions to NFAs.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
2. Nondeterminism, Closure Properties, Conversion of Regular Expressions to FA
Closure Properties of Regular Languages + Proofs
Conversion of Regular Expression to Finite Automata - Examples (Part 1)
Regular Languages are Closed Under Concatenation | Theory of Computation
3. Regular Pumping Lemma, Conversion of FA to Regular Expressions
Regular Languages are Closed Under Union | Theory of Computation
Regular Languages: Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA)
Using the closure properties + Example with interserction
COMP30026 Models of Computation Revision Workshop
TM Example, some CFL closure properties, Nondet TMs - CSE355 Intro Theoretical CS 6/19 Pt. 1
From Regular Expression to Nondeterministic Finite Automaton | Theory of Computation
A Quick Non-Deterministic to Deterministic Finite Automata Conversion
UIUC CS 374 FA 20: 4.3. Closure properties of NFAs (kleene star and concatenation)
Non-Deterministic Automata - Computerphile
Regular Languages Closed Under Union/Intersection (Product Construction)
Regular Operations
What is an Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA)?
COSC 312 Sections 3.1-3.2 (NFAs and Closure Properties)
F2021 CS 411/811 Lecture 8 (epsilon NFAs, modified subset construction for epsilon NFAs to DFAs)
1. Introduction, Finite Automata, Regular Expressions
From Deterministic to Non-Deterministic Types of Finite Automata || Youtube Shorts
Compilers Lecture 6: Scanning (3): Converting a Regular Expression into an NFA
[8b-2] Deterministic CF Languages (COMP2270 - 2017)