Change Your Beliefs While You Sleep: Removing All Limitation (8 Hours) 👑💕

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These affirmations are your new beliefs. Don't treat it as a school project that you have to do it for 21 days then you're done & never have to listen to it again. Don't stop until you are completely a changed person, even then keep listening to it or any tapes to solidify it properly. I'm listening to it & not looking for any changes cause I understand now that it will occur when I trust the process, not looking for any change. It took me so long to understand that when you focus on you everything falls into your lap. It's okay. Relax. Give some time to yourself. Don't be hard on yourself & drop the urgency. Good Luck.


Dylan is literally "sleeping" with thousands of people and he doesn't know any of them. Yet, faithful to his man! Haha.


Listened for an hour when I was at rock bottom. Now I’ve made my bed, put away laundry, and had breakfast


I hope and trust and believe that everyone reading this, receives all their heart's desires swiftly and effortlessly.


I came back to tell y’all, I manifested my SP in 28 days ♥️ thank you Dylan

Update:Thank you for 1.8k! I never thought so many people would see this comment. It’s been a year now since I first started listening to this tape. I’m glad I did.


bro I listened to this overnight & my sp called at 3am saying he can’t sleep without me 😮 & on top of that this morning I got a call back for this job I’m so excited


I’ve come back to this a year later.

I can safely say this is the only affirmation video I’ll ever need in life. I don’t know why I came away from it.

For almost 2 months I was in a horrible situation with my SP. I’m not even gonna repeat it. I was in a horrible state a majority of the time. So I said enough is enough. I need to seriously focus on me and go strict SC. So I came back to this tape 3 weeks ago.

After only a couple of days listening my sp came back. Communication is getting better and better each day. I got to see him today after not seeing him for almost 2 months. He wants to take me out to dinner for my birthday on Wednesday.

I’ve also gotten a call back today about a job I applied for and they want to give me the job.

I truly believe that this tape will get me my desired results. My moods are better. I’m taking care of my skin and trying to eat better. Just doing things that I feel compelled to do that I never would have done before.

I’ve been on this journey for almost 2 years but I’ll be sticking to this for the rest of my life!

Focus on yourself and watch the world around you change x


Day 33: I noticed my old beliefs are getting much weaker. I can shut them out and pin them down with good thoughts and take them head on with almost no resistance. I'm starting to feel like a total boss. Good day.


@Dylanjames I hope you see this, today is my day 26 and my application has been approved for citizenship in my home country 😢😢😢❤❤❤❤ I left when I was 10 years old, I'm finally reunited with my maternal family after 19 years of rejection living with my dad's family, I now get a second chance at life thank you❤❤❤❤ I am continuing to listen to your meditation at night❤❤❤❤ I love you Dylan all the way from Africa❤❤❤❤


Update: 2.1K likes! Thank you guys so much!!

This is literally insane lol. I actually had to wait 12 hours before commenting because I terrified myself with this overwhelming anxiety about the fact that manifesting IS real. These affirmations, every single person here commenting and specifically choosing for this video to make its way into their lives, etc.

Something just clicked yesterday, after the last 10 months of meditating every day, I now know a few things:
1)We LITERALLY manifest every. Single. Moment. in our
2) We can't worry about the "how" or "why, " because it's literally TOO overwhelming to even really try to think about! Think of your SP, and the fact that the world could line up for them to literally change their mind, and bring them to you - they could show up at your front door, or in a coffee shop, or they could call you over a phone app. How crazy is it that the world literally aligns you two? Like you're home at that EXACT moment or something, you know?
3) We literally control our ENTIRE. LIVES. How POWERFUL is that?! We chose this body, and these interests, and these mindsets - our entire lives are just habits and manifestations combined by our free choices and energy bouncing around with everyone that represents something in our lives. Again.. how POWERFUL that truly makes us..??!

It's surreal. Like I feel kind of insane but in a good way, realizing all this. It felt really terrifying realizing this yesterday..

Like I manifested stuff within 30 seconds over the past two weeks. Had to come back to put this information out there. It's crazy!!

You literally CAN manifest ANYTHING. 🤷‍♂️ Hopefully this helps some of you kind people! Just make sure you're sitting down when it dawns on you - it's intense stuff lol


Came back to tell everyone, manifesting works. I have to admit I was skeptical but it works. My SP is back in my life and treating me with love and respect just like I had affirmed for. It did take me about 3 months because my mental diet was wobbly but you have to keep at it and believe in urself. Binge on manifesting videos helped me to stay strong when I doubted and felt weak. It took a lot of mental diet cleanup but it happened for me! Believe in yourself and remember to focus on what you want not what you don’t otherwise you will end up getting hot and cold or stuck in groundhogs day like I was for awhile. Persist! Much love to everyone! Remember we are powerful creators and can have anything we put our minds to!


Two years ago I started to listen to this every night for months. I didn’t get the sp I had intended but I’m now currently living with the man of my dreams after being single for 6 years and am in a healthy relationship . I went back to school and started a business and honestly financially life is a bit hard with loans and etc but then I remember where I was two years ago . Coming back here and Dylan’s affirmations always put me at ease.


It's Day 4 of the tape and my SP texted me after months of no contact

I've been feeling up and down but I told myself, "NOPE! Nothing matters and I know I am getting what I want" and I've consciously been putting my attention only on myself as much as possible. It works!!!


Hey there I was just like you before, scrolling through all the comments, watching one videos after another in the hope of assurance that it'll work. And now guess what? It workedddd. I just came back because ik how helpful someone's comment was for me before .
Update : you guyss I got him backkkk. He's the one desperate now . After a very painful period of separation we finally are together.(kinda hate to say this but I feel like I don't need him anymore )
Btw now that he's here I notice that I've been attracting even better version of guys than him and now I'm having trouble choosing the perfect one for me lol .
But anyways, keep patience, know that it's already yours and live in peace after that. Don't worry about the time, he'll eventually be yours NO MATTER WHAT . Circumstances don't matter . Even if he's dead he'll come back n be yours LOl jk.
Take care ❣️ love ya


First week:
- exercised 5/7 days last week effortlessly
- had multiple dreams about men treating me right including my ex
- in 24 hours had 3 people tell me that I’m beautiful and got a free drink out of it
- let go of an unfulfilling friendship


Below are the affirmations in case you want to read them before listening. Let me know if I made any mistakes or missed anything!

- “I want you to bring the word trust into your mind.”
- “See the word trust. You can see the T, you can see the R, you can see the U, you can see the S, and you can see the T.”
- “We’re just going to keep on seeing the word trust into our mind, and I want you to really feel and see this word trust going deeper, and deeper, and deeper into your mind.”
- “We’re just going to feel trust right now, we’re going to see the word trust in our mind and we’re going to feel it going deeper and deeper and deeper into our subconscious.”
- “I am trusting my body.”
- “I am trusting ability to create absolutely anything.”
- “I am trusting able to create new beliefs at any time.”
- “I am trusting my confidence is showing up in my body language.”
- “I am trusting that my confidence is showing up in how I speak.”
- “I am trusting that my confidence is showing up in how I am forming my perception.”
- “I am trusting myself.”
- “I am trusting my ability to know things into being.”
- “I am trusting that I can self-regulate emotions.”
- “I know that when I am in a state of trust, manifesting the necessary behaviors, perceptions, and feelings is easy.”
- “I am believing that I can get exactly what I want.”
- “I am believing that I am powerful and can choose what I want to feel.”
- “I am free of all limitations, and I feel amazing.”
- “I am feeling love, I am creating it within.”
- “I am feeling rich, I am creating it within.”
- “I am feeling abundant, I am creating it within.”
- “Everything is showing up and responding to how I feel.”
- “I am choosing to feel what I want to experience.”
- “Nothing, in my reality, is making me feel anything but me.”
- “I am seeing through all circumstances and limitations able to create the feeling state that is necessary to see change.”
- “I am worthy.”
- “I am worthy as I am there is nothing I need to change about myself.”
- “I am lovable.”
- “I am lovable as I am, I do not need to prove that I am worthy of love.”
- “I am fully recognizing my worth, and I am confident with that.”
- “I do not need to prove myself to know that I am worthy.”
- “I am secure within myself, I am creating the feeling of safety.”
- “I am stable within myself I am creating the feeling of stability.”
- “I am able to notice when any limiting belief manifests itself into my consciousness.”
- “I am able to instantly shift that limiting belief on a moment to moment basis, and I am able to get back into the feeling state of what I desire.”
- “I am completely and unshakably confident in myself, nobody can take it from me.”
- “I do not need validation, or approval, or love, from anybody but me.”
- “I am humble.”
- “I am joyful.”
- “I am radiant and glowing.”
- “People are drawn to me.”
- “People fall in love with me because of my personality.”
- “I am irreplaceable because of how loving and genuine I am.”
- “I am trusting my partner.”
- “I am trusting my friends.”
- “I am trusting my coworkers.”
- “I am trusting my family.”
- “And I am not taking what anybody does to me personally.”
- “I am able to communicate in a way that is mature.”
- “I am able to communicate in a way that is stable.”
- “I am able to communicate in a way that is receivable.”
- “I am able to read people’s body language and behaviors.”
- “I am able to see other people’s limiting beliefs and states of being.”
- “When I see these things I adjust my approach to them so that they can hear me and make the necessary changes.”
- “I do not take on any emotional state that someone may try to project onto me.”
- “I am fully self-reliant and self-regulated.”
- “I am easy to be around and I am accepted.”
- “I am chosen.”
- “I feel good with being chosen, I allow myself to be chosen.”
- “I am desired.”
- “I feel good with being desired, and I allow myself to be desired.”
- “I am releasing all discomfort in my body surrounding the ability to be loved.”
- “I am lovable because I create love within myself and I share that with others.”
- “I am always embraced.”
- “I am moving towards solutions with ease.”
- “I am seeing the solution in my mind and I am creating that as my reality.”
- “I am reacting to circumstances with power and with balance.”
- “I am the fairest of them all.”
- “I am always balanced in my approach, I am a leader.”
- “I am validating myself and I am trusting my judgment.”
- “I am a fast learner because I learn from my mistakes.”
- “I am humbling myself down and apologizing when I need to and this enriches my relationships.”
- “I am respectable and I am respected
- “I am always respecting myself and prioritizing my needs first.”
- “I am able to consistently stay aligned to a self-concept that is abundant.”
- “I am creating wealth within my life.”
- “I am establishing multiple streams of income, the inspiration and the ideas come to me.”
- “I'm able to save and invest money in ways that grows my wealth at an exponential rate.”
- “I'm always making smart investments that pay off.”
- “I'm abundant with friends, and I am always accepted.”
- “Everybody loves to be around me, everybody wants to hear what I have to say, everybody wants to be a part of my life.”
- “I am balanced and fair in my friendships and I include everybody.”
- “I am a good person.”
- “I am nice, enjoyable, and easy to be around.”
- “I am classy and know my worth.”
- “I am always thinking before I speak and observing my perception so I do not project.”
- “My mind is disciplined and it’s easy and effortless.”
- “I am organized in my reality and I always know where everything is
- “I am always at the right place at the right time, everything comes to me.”
- “My life is easy because I instantly manifest the behaviors to do what is needed to be done.”
- “I always shift into an abundant state, always, period.”
- “I am completely self-regulated and I believe that I can manifest exactly what I want.”
- “Abundance flows into my life from many directions.”
- “I feel good when I spend money.”
- “I feel good when I trust the people around me.”
- “I feel good when I am working.”
- “I’m doing what I am passionate about and it makes me lots of money.”
- “I’m organized in my day, so I can complete all tasks and never fall behind.”
- “I’m cherishing my body and taking care of it.”
- “I’m always prioritizing sleep, and I am always well-rested.”
- “I practice immaculate hygiene and shower plenty.”
- “I’m always dressed to impress and feel creative with how I show up in my reality.”
- “I’m completely confident in myself and I have no need from anybody or anything.”
- “The moment I become aware of something it manifests to me.”
- “I know how to show up, I know where to be, I know what to do, to get exactly what I want.”
- “I am always removing all limiting beliefs and stepping fully into knowing my reality into existence.”
- “I’m validating myself.”
- “I’m trusting myself.”
- “Everything is coming to me now everything is coming to me with ease.”
- “I’m seeing things synchronize and manifest in beautiful and miraculous ways.”
- “My manifestations always show up, every time.”
- “I am able to manifest under time constraints.”
- “I am able to manifest regardless of circumstances.”
- “And I am able to manifest this deep knowing that translates into my behaviors and how I am feeling at all times.”
- “I’m completely limitless.”


When i was consistent with this for a month i had the best glow up ever i was living in my dream reality honestly waking up no 9-5 but so much abundance, working out consistently, being confident at school and in family social gatherings, just overall dream life energy


My results after 21 days - movement with SP (went from no contact to contact a few times a week, he offered to pick me up from the airport after not wanting to see me for over a month), manifested my dream 6-figure job (I just graduated from PA school and put in hundreds of applications but no movement until I started listening to these. After listening I had my job in hand within 1.5 weeks), other men showing me the kind of attention I want from SP, weight loss, better grooming, more tips at my restaurant job, GREATER PEACE AND SATISFACTION IN DAILY LIFE EXTERNAL TO THE MANIFESTATIONS. I'm now moving onto the love affirmations as I want to persist specifically in that area to get what I want. Thank you, Dylan! Love your channel.


2 Weeks Update: I just completed 14 days of the limitless tape and DYLAN YOU'RE A ROCKSTAR! I have been manifesting gigs and money out of nowhere lol. Just yesterday I returned my sister a significant amount of money I owed her despite me running low, telling her, 'money will come rolling in I don't have to worry'. I woke up today to an email from a job I attended for 1 day back in February and quit the next day. Turns out they want to pay me the whole month's salary because I was considered to be on sick leave. I had a bit of wobble and old beliefs were fighting to come up the past couple of days but I persisted and today I feel LIMITLESS. Can't wait for my big manifestations to show up in my reality along with the small fun ones! ITS DONE


Two things unmistakably happen when I put this on: 1. I sleep wonderfully 2. I wake up feeling amazing.
Foolproof, it never fails. I love you Dylan you babe
