DIE WELT : THX 1138 (1080 HD)

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PLEASE NOTE : To fully enjoy my tracks use a good set of speakers / headphones and play loud!

THX 1138 (D.W.I.D.10) Words by George Lucas and Walter Murch. Spoken by Robert Duvall.

DIE WELT (Admiraal)


Things haven't been going well.

How could I be so wrong.

My mate has been acting very strange.

I can't explain it but I haven't been feeling very well myself.

I don't know, maybe it's me.

I needed some pinural last night.

I feel as if something odd were happening to me.

Something that I can't understand.

The sedatives.

I'm taking etracine, but it doesn't seem strong enough.

I have a hard time concentrating.

Please forgive me.

You are a true believer. Blessings of the state, blessings of the masses.

Thou art a subject of the divine.

Created in the image of man, by the masses, for the masses.

Let us be thankful we have an occupation to fill.


My thanks and love go to my wife for being there.

Credits and extra respect go to : G. Lucas, W.Murch for making this epic movie possible, M.Hannet, S.Morris, A. Ross, R.Muller, Olifant and Redcar Blast Furnace.

THX 1138 Movie :
TM & © Warner Bros. (1971)
Voice : Robert Duvall
Director: George Lucas
Producers: Francis Ford Coppola, Edward Folger, Larry Sturhahn
Screenwriters: George Lucas, Walter Murch, Matthew Robbins
Рекомендации по теме

Mon ami, tu es absolument génial !... Cette traversée de l'angoisse, de la violence, de la peur - c'est nous tous - que redoutons-nous, en effet, sinon quelques assassins de raisons et de vies ? La musique est si terrifiante qu'elle nous fait voir et entendre le regard éteint des meurtriers du monde et de la chair. L'essence même du goût abject de l'ordre nous apparaît.


_neat work .. it's got some cerebral Dimension to it .. seen the new updated version ?_
