M21 Commander w/ Mr. Infect & Ladee Danger | Game Knights 37 | Magic the Gathering Gameplay

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Show Notes:
Craig "Mr. Infect" Blanchette makes his long-awaited return to the Game Knights battlefield to square-off against Jimmy, Josh and Twitch streamer Ladee Danger. Get ready for a dramatic Commander showdown featuring the brand new cards from Magic's latest core set: M21.
It's Radha vs Vito vs Jolrael vs Subira.
Who will emerge victorious?! ONLY ONE MAY STAND!!
Find UltraPro:
Be sure to enter the contest at the end of the episode for a chance to win swag from UltraPro, Card Kingdom and more! Winners will be announced on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram on the evening of Wednesday, July 8th.
Where to find our guests online:
Ladee Danger:
Twitter: @Brttnymchlle
Instagram: @Theladeedanger
Craig Blanchette:
Twitter: @CraigBlanchette
Deck lists:
Craig's Radha Deck:
Ladee's Vito Deck:
Jimmy's Jolrael Deck:
JLK's Subira Deck:
Director: Josh Lee Kwai
Editors: Jake Boss and Josh Murphy
VFX, Animations and GFX: Sam Waldow
Assistant Editor: Ashlen Rose
Director of Photography: Jake Boss
Sound Recording: Jim Funicelli
Sound Mix: Jake Boss
Additional GFX: Grant Aldrich and Geoffrey Palmer
Set Design: Bonnie Vacevich
Radha (Voice) : Ladee Danger
Vito (Voice): Josh Murph
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