The 5 stages of winning your wife back: Solo Solutions

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Join me this Sunday 2pm PST for a game-changing live webinar designed for men who feel their marriage is slipping away.

I’ll guide you through the 5 Stages of Reconciliation, a proven roadmap to restore your relationship, no matter how dire things seem. You’ll learn the 3 biggest mistakes that lead to divorce and, more importantly, the exact steps to avoid them. Plus, I’ll show you how to take actionable steps to win her back, assess where your marriage stands, and become the powerful leader your relationship needs.

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I feel like I start to make progress and then today she started talking about all these houses she was looking at to move into and I lost control over my emotions and started crying and begging her to at least stay through the holidays and everything the program tells you not to do and i knew in that moment that I should stop but I could not. How can I regain control, sometimes the grief becomes too much to handle and overwhelmes me. This is not my normal self and I usually can handle everything life throws at me .. until it threw me this curveball of going from husband of the year to her evil villain in a matter of weeks. I am losing this battle... She feels like she has to move out and get divorced and shift our dynamic and that will make everything better in her mind for her and our 5 year old son. I am just quite lost I am in the self paced program and its helpful but I just don't know if I have what it takes to overcome the grief long enough to stay out of her frame.


So my fiancé just broke it off just before our 5 year mark. She wants to be alone. She says she likes to be alone and raise our kids alone as 4 of our 5 kids are my step kids. She feels resentment over our youngest. She felt pressured to give me a kid. I got complacent as I’m a truck driver and I didn’t make time for us, I didn’t truly listen to what she was saying. I provided financially but not in physically, emotionally and mentally. I’m gone most the month right now and home 4 days. It’s been 2 weeks. Went from one word answers. I went from being desperate to letting her have space. Last night, she called and we had the deepest conversation we’ve ever had about her trauma. We never had those while we were together. I fell even more in love with her bc of it. I’ve wanted that the whole time. Her trauma from growing up is a big reason as well as what I didn’t do that I’m in this situation. How can I change this when I can’t just get a new job bc of our finances where I can be there for her. Or do think this actually might help bc there’s distance


Your insights are spot on and you have really done your research I love watching your videos .


Im 6-7 months into a separation.

Weve spokem about assessing in the new year to see if we'll get divorced.

We split because my wofes disrespect was too much. Was affecting the kids. Bith agreed time apart was needed. Been in speperate houses now for 5months and the wife feels better she's growing and cant hurt me no more. She doesnt see a way forward right now

Im hoping a christmas apart will really hit home as we have 3 kids.

Im hoping it turns around and doing the best i can to heal and be a better me.

Sometimes i think though, its rhe hope that kills you


It's common for relationships to encounter obstacles, but there is always a solution. My own marriage faced considerable issues, but with appropriate guidance, my husband and I worked through them and deepened our connection. Solutions are achievable if you're ready to work together. Stay hopeful-there's always a way forward.


I saw it coming though when i started lying just to get away from her. Fear and mistrust. Only past 20 days found real reason; i thought she tried to kill me


Complete surprise; done on cellular each time


What about when she is already texting someone else openly she doesn’t care she tells me she’s getting to know him he’s a really nice guy and she wants to meet him?


What do the guys that their women would beg them not to leave them do different than us?


So how do i get wife back thru false po (probably dismissed this week); but a non contact with at least 2-3 cobfirmation biasers,


What do you do to bring back an unforgiving and easily offended wife, after i launched a torrid stream of words that each cut? In fact i knew it was over the moment i started — she accused me falsely. I intended to hurt her feelings.


What about when u have been following all these steps. Taking all the accountability, and getting closer to god.... but she is just rebellious not only to u, but to everyone around her??


What about mental illness? Is there any hope?


Your insights are spot on and you have really done your research I love watching your videos .
