PS3 4.88 HFW/HEN Installation/Update Guide - Homebrew Tips & Tricks! (For Beginners) | Comprehensive

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Hello the PlayStation 3 Homebrew/Modding Community, welcome back to my channel. For today's video, I'll be covering everything you need to know on how to successfully mod your PlayStation 3 Console. In today's video, we will be covering a multitude of topics, and I will do my best to go over each process to ensure that you'll have an easy understanding of how to fully jailbreak your console by utilizing the latest HEN Exploit.



0:00 - Introduction
0:54 - Video Chapters
1:52 - Additional Information + Disclaimers
3:59 - Prerequisites for the PS3
5:41 - Part 1: Downloading The Required Homebrew/Files for installing HEN.
6:53 - Checking our MD5 hashes (OnlineMD5 Checker)
9:51 - Formatting our USB to FAT32 with GUI FAT32 App.
14:20 - Transferring the 4.88 HFW PUP to our USB.
14:41 - Downloading Essential PS3 HEN Homebrew Pack
15:14 - Transferring our Homebrew Apps ".PKG files"
16:44 - Double-Checking our MD5 hashes (OnlineMD5 Checker)
18:37 - Disabling our PS3 Wi-Fi Connection, & Plugging in our USB.
19:46 - Updating Your PlayStation 3 To 4.88 Hybrid Firmware (HFW)
23:44 - Verifying that we've successfully installed 4.88 HFW.
25:05 - Deleting Cookies/Cache/Authentication From PS3 Web Browser. (Tools Configuration)
26:29 - Activating HEN Enabler/Installer
34:01 - Activating our PSN account on PS3 "System Activation" (Optional)
35:00 - Verifying that you have ★ Enable HEN Active
35:13 - Part 2: Homebrew Setup ★ Installing Package Files
36:33 - Previewing multiMan Homebrew
37:52 - Outro & Special Thanks


Here are all of the major topics that I'll be covering for today's guide:

• How to successfully convert your OFW PS3 to HFW (Hybrid Firmware.) and how to update to 4.88 HFW if you're on an older version of HFW such as 4.87 or lower.

• How to install the latest version of HEN onto your console. As of 6/9/2021 which is version 3.03.

• Covering general tips such as being online & general HEN usage protocols.

• How to install homebrew applications via Package Manager.


★ Additional Information:

• In today's guide, I'll be utilizing my CECHK01 (fat model) PS3 that is flashed to 4.86 HFW (Hybrid Firmware) note for this process you can use ANY model PS3. This means Fat, Slim, and SuperSlim model PS3's from any region can use this exploit!

• As of 6/9/2021 4.88 is the latest firmware for the PS3 & if a new firmware is pushed by Sony make sure to stay on the lowest firmware as at any time Sony can patch any exploits for the PS3.

• Being on HEN/HFW is not comparable to CFW (Custom Firmware) such as Rebug, Ferrox, Habib, etc, as in some regards HEN is limited when running some apps.

• HEN allows most homebrew applications to run, however, things such as debug apps/games will not run with HEN.

• While being on HEN it is important to NOT ENABLE FSM (Factory Service Mode) or install CCAPI (Console Control API) as this will BRICK and or cause damage to your console. This warning has been issued by the PS3Xploit team.


★ Prerequisites:

• 4.88 Firmware or lower *Can't be done on higher firmware*
• PS3 HFW 4.88 Update PUP File
• A PC *To download files* + A Wi-Fi connection.
• USB Stick that is formatted to FAT32
• Essential PS3 HEN Homebrew Pack (Contains homebrew such as multiMan, Webman, Irisman, PSNPatch, etc.)
• Online MD5 Hash Checker (To check MD5 hashes for the hybrid firmware.)
• GUI FAT32 Format (Allows the end-user to format their USB to FAT32)
• PS3 Game (In this guide I'll be showing you how to install 3 main types of files onto your PS3. (Folder, .PKG, .ISO titles)
• WinRar (To unzip files)


★ Downloads/Supplementary Readings:


★ Credits:

➤ PS3Xploit Devs: For developing this exploit.


#PS3HEN #HEN #PS3Xploit #PS3HFW #PS3Jailbreak
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Hey everyone! Thanks for tuning for today's video. Hopefully, this guide will be a great resource for PS3 users who wants to successfully install HEN onto their consoles & run homebrew applications such as multiMan, RetroArch, webMan, etc. In this pinned comment I will provide all of the necessary downloads + supplementary readings in aid to help you guy's successfully jailbreak your console. If you have any questions feel free to DM me on my social media which will be provided below as well you can comment on this video for help.

Best regards, Nagato. 12-31-2020

Here are all of the major topics that I'll be covering for today's guide:

• How to successfully convert your OFW PS3 to HFW (Hybrid Firmware.) and how to update to 4.87 HFW if you're on an older version of HFW such as 4.86 or lower.

• How to install the latest version of HEN onto your console. As of 12/29/2020 which is version 3.02.

• Covering general tips such as being online & general HEN usage protocols.

• How to install homebrew applications via Package Manager.

• How to install PS3 games. The 3 main game formats that we will be covering today is .PKG, .ISO, Folder based titles.


0:00 - Introduction
0:54 - Video Chapters
1:52 - Additional Information + Disclaimers
3:59 - Prerequisites for the PS3
5:41 - Part 1: Downloading The Required Homebrew/Files for installing HEN.
6:53 - Checking our MD5 hashes (OnlineMD5 Checker)
9:51 - Formatting our USB to FAT32 with GUI FAT32 App.
14:20 - Transferring the 4.88 HFW PUP to our USB.
14:41 - Downloading Essential PS3 HEN Homebrew Pack
15:14 - Transferring our Homebrew Apps ".PKG files"
16:44 - Double-Checking our MD5 hashes (OnlineMD5 Checker)
18:37 - Disabling our PS3 Wi-Fi Connection, & Plugging in our USB.
19:46 - Updating Your PlayStation 3 To 4.88 Hybrid Firmware (HFW)
23:44 - Verifying that we've successfully installed 4.88 HFW.
25:05 - Deleting Cookies/Cache/Authentication From PS3 Web Browser. (Tools Configuration)
26:29 - Activating HEN Enabler/Installer
34:01 - Activating our PSN account on PS3 "System Activation" (Optional)
35:00 - Verifying that you have ★ Enable HEN Active
35:13 - Part 2: Homebrew Setup ★ Installing Package Files
36:33 - Previewing multiMan Homebrew
37:52 - Outro & Special Thanks

★ Additional Information:

• In today's guide, I'll be utilizing my CECHK01 (fat model) PS3 that is flashed to 4.87 HFW (Hybrid Firmware) note for this process you can use ANY model PS3. This means Fat, Slim, SuperSlim model PS3's from any region can use this exploit!

• As of 6/9/2021 4.88 is the latest firmware for the PS3 & that if a new firmware is pushed by Sony make sure to stay on the lowest firmware as at any time Sony can patch any exploits for the PS3.

• Being on HEN/HFW is not comparable to CFW (Custom Firmware) such as Rebug, Ferrox, Habib, etc, as in some regards HEN is limited when running some apps.

• HEN allows most homebrew applications to run, however, things such as debug apps/games will not run with HEN.

• While being on HEN it is important to NOT ENABLE FSM (Factory Service Mode) or install CCAPI (Console Control API) as this will BRICK and or cause damage to your console. This warning has been issued by the PS3Xploit team.

Recommend Settings For The PS3 Browser Before Enabling Hen:

Tools ➜ Confirm Browser Close ➜ Off

Tools ➜ Home Page ➜ Use Blank Page

Tools ➜ Delete Cookies

Tools ➜ Delete Search History

Tools ➜ Delete Cache

★ Prerequisites:

• 4.88 Firmware or lower *Can't be done on higher firmware*
• PS3 HFW 4.88 Update PUP File
• A PC *To download files* + A Wi-Fi connection.
• USB Stick that is formatted to FAT32
• Essential PS3 HEN Homebrew Pack (Contains homebrew such as multiMan, Webman, Irisman, PSNPatch, etc.)
• Online MD5 Hash Checker (To check MD5 hashes for the hybrid firmware.)
• GUI FAT32 Format (Allows the end-user to format their USB to FAT32)
• PS3 Game (In this guide I'll be showing you how to install 3 main types of files onto your PS3. (Folder, .PKG, .ISO titles)
• WinRar (To unzip files)

★ Downloads/Supplementary Readings:

• 4.88 Firmware or lower *Can't be done on higher firmware*
• PS3 HFW 4.88 Update PUP File
• A PC *To download files* + A Wi-Fi connection.
• USB Stick that is formatted to FAT32
• Essential PS3 HEN Homebrew Pack (Contains homebrew such as multiMan, Webman, Irisman, PSNPatch, etc.)
• Online MD5 Hash Checker (To check MD5 hashes for the hybrid firmware.)
• GUI FAT32 Format (Allows the end-user to format their USB to FAT32)
• PS3 Game (In this guide I'll be showing you how to install 3 main types of files onto your PS3. (Folder, .PKG, .ISO titles)
• WinRar (To unzip files)

★ Credits:

➤ PS3Xploit Devs: For developing this exploit.

★ My Social Medias:

★ Donations:

#PS3HEN #HEN #PS3Xploit #PS3HFW #PS3Jailbreak


Loved how it was a fully processed video with no skips. Great video


Thank you man! You are the first one, that made a good tutorial on Hen! Thanks!


Hey bro you are the man you are perfect thank you deep in my heart, I searched 50 videos before yours in Arabic I mean to update my ps3 and I didn't understand the steps, but with your support oh my God you are the only one that I can get all subscribe and like and share you deserves ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


BRO!! You made perfect tutorial! Previously I had to piece it all together from a few different sources and reading stuff online, just bought a second system and you made it a life saver pal! thank you !


Dude, you gave me the confidence to update mine to 4.89. Thank you sooo much!! Took me some time and troubleshooting some specific issues with my console but it worked great!!
ALSO QUICK TIP: Close the main browser tab after clicking in "HEN Enable/Installer". After I did that it installed HEN on the first try.


You are my official guy from now on!!!


yooo this work 100% im from jamaica i love you man


thank you, every thing work perfect !


Hello good Sir. This video still works as of today!! I tried other videos and failed many times. Thank You. Now I must learn to add ps1 games to it. Hopefully you have a video for that!


Great Video Bro!!! Worked Like Explained!!!! Thank You! subscribed and liked!


Hi, nice video! I'm planning to get my first ever ps3 soon (very excited) and your video really helps me to prepare for what to come. I just wanna know does activating ps3 with psn account essential if you don't care about online stuff like multiplayer or trophy and just want to play games offline? Thanks for both of your time and excellent video!


when I tried to install hen it kept saying install hybrid firmware and im already on 4.88 idk what to do 🤦🏽‍♂️


Question: How do I change Icon of game under game tab ? I installed using MultiMan, folder based game, copied it to PS3 hdd, and now as icon, its just "disc" like image for game... game runs, no problem, and icon showed only while Im in MultiMan app, but not in normal game browser... If i leave few seconds on disc/game, original (normal) icon appears, but as soon as I move to other game bellow or above, disc icon appears back, and its kinda annoying


Thanks for the update guide! I know this is probably a common question, but is psn_patch recommended for simply trophy syncing?


Hey man would really appreciate anyone's help I'm desperate right now. I did everything else right. But when I go to ps3xploits and click on the HEN installer 3 things happen:
First on is that no file pops up to start downloading
Second I click on initialize HEN nothing happens either no letters anywhere


Amazing video nagato.❤️
Q1: Installing any thing like multiman am I supposed to be disconnected from internet?
Q2: can I play online GTA v on user 1 if i installed all the package on user2
Q3: what if I accidentally enable internet on user 2 does it effect the user1 too?
Q4: why you sound so cool 😎😜?


So I don't have a ps3 controller anymore, do I need one for the hfw install? I noticed it prompts you with the press ps button to use controller before the install and I'm not trying to spend 20$ on a controller I'll use one time and never touch again


If your ps3 is already at 4.88 without hen can you still do this process or do I need to reset the PlayStation to lower the firmware?


I do all your tutorials and they always work but this time my system won't update past 66% percent and is in a loop and gives me error code 8002F1F9, any help will help
