New 2023 Yamaha Niken GT Review: 3 Wheels Better Than 2?

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I've got a 2021 Niken and totally agree with everything you've said...most of all this bike is SO much fun in the twisties... you'll have to get used to the constant stares and pointing but I absolutely LOVE this bike 😍


I know the looks are diversive but pretty much everyone thats reviewed this bike have raved about it...if you can get passed the extra wheel and futuristic looks you might be surprised just how much fun these bikes are to ride, leans like no other bike ive ridden, more than enough power for everyday riding, mega comfortable (im 6'4" ) beautiful CP3 engine, massive respect to Yamaha for developing & releasing this beast of a machine (apparently it took 12 years)....try one you might just like it!


Bought one brand new unseen in person. First ride from Wigan to Surrey (June 22)- what an engineering marvel. Done mods over time, replaced oversized bars with 700 Rally Raid for aggressive position . It is my sport ride now.


As a tourer, I would really like to see that with the amazing FJR1300 motor. That would rise the bar for sure imo.


I agree with 3WheelManNC. I did a big Yamaha group test ride with 20+ Nikens when they first came out.
Absolute blast and lots of fun around the Box Hill area. First thing I said to Yamaha when we got back, was to stick the front end on an FJR1300 and I'd buy one straight away.
I've been riding bikes all year round for nearly 40 years and luckily don't suffer from the angry, myopic attitude from some other bikers aimed at the Niken. This sort of criticism is not reserved just for Niken, as I get uninvited negative comments for every bike I ride, just because it's not what the critic would ride. I tell them that I ride what I like, based on my requirements, not theirs.
Shame that some people have to behave like that. A main Yamaha dealer actually said to me that "I'm never having a Niken in my shop" !
But, I loved it and may buy the new Niken next year


Well done to Yamaha for keep making it


An amazing piece of kit from an engineering viewpoint.I hope enough people buy it. Yamaha deserve mega plaudits for bringing it out. I can't go past the Tracer 9 GT+.I don't tour 2 up anymore to justify owning one.


In March 2023 I paid £8k for a Niken 2021 prereg with zero miles on the clock. Absolutely love how it feels. Solid; comfortable; smooth; planted. Apart from being almost impossible to lose the front end, it is great to know that you will be staying upright if you have a front wheel puncture.


I've had one since 2018 when they first appeared. I love it and use it as a tourer doing motorcycle rallies mostly. It sure gets ALOT of attention and I've met heaps of people because of the bike. It's polarizing tho people are either fascinated by the tech or think its hideous(mostly H/D riders) don't buy one unless you like meeting people ha ha


that is one cathedral of engineering art, luv it


I do love the uniqueness, if you will, of the bike. Like you, I applaud yamaha for making it. Niche as it is…👍🤪🇨🇦


I’ve been wondering over the last couple of years if they still make these. It’s an interesting, well made bike. I hope they sell well.


Needs full on 4 cylinder 1300cc+ 150bhp+, shaft drive, 5gallon tank, more bodywork, electric screen, bigger panniers.


My dad has one in his mountain home and its the best bike for such a scene, where you dont know the roads that well and you can use the extra wheel to be fast but safe. I love it, but it wouldnt work in the city imo. Its a bike for the mountains.


It has always looked weird because of what it is. But as you say an amazing engineering project. I would love a go to see what I think.


This bike is made for camermans on giro di Italia 😊


Nice one Bob !
I can't believe they've sold enough to make it worth while... I've never seen one on the road.
Personally I think it looks terrible 😅


I owned a 2019 GT which I wanted to use for myself and my wife to ride out together. I moved it on because for me, I found it just to top-heavy. And the value depreciation is beyond shocking too!


Nice vid! Rode one a few years ago and was very impressed.


Thank you for the excellent video I played it through a few I live down in Cornwall and have been trying very very hard to get a test ride on one as this is/was going to be my next bike. I like the thinking of what Yamaha are trying to do here having also seen the vid of the Director of Yamaha uk ?? on youtube a week or so ago. I travelled up to Gloucester to see a 2021 model (shall I call it a mark 1) but obviously it didn't have the mark 2's refinements, I just went up to see the machine and look at the size etc. I wrote to Yamaha Europe a few weeks ago to ask them if they knew of anywhere in the UK where I could get a test ride on the new Niken and they graciously answered "sorry but at this time we know of no Nikens in the UK that you can test ride, although they are available to order and purchase" NONE?? in the UK why would anybody order one without first giving it a road test. According to Yamaha Eu they wanted to release the Niken in a slow and timely fashion to be able to give the riding public time to get their heads around a new strange looking bike and bat off the odd remarks from the riding Dinosaurs that like to keep their heads firmly in their helmets.
Another factor was to be able to train up staff to ride and service the "strange looking"
all this still leaves me having to wait a few months (suggested by Yamaha Eu) and then try again, I hope the novelty doesn't go off by then as its beginning to do at the moment. (I'll put my soap-box away now) and get back on my BMW.
