Dickey Betts Was Wilder Than All Of Us! -Charlie Starr

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Charlie Starr talks about meeting Dickey Betts and shares some other stories too.

Check out Blackberry Smoke and tell 'em Otis sent ya!

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----- Otis Tour Dates -------
05/29/24 -London, England. -Leytonstone Social Club
05/31/24. -Smethwick, England. -The Thimblemill Library
06/01/24. -Broseley, England. -The Birchmeadow
06/02/24. -Nottingham, England -The Chapel at the Angel
06/04/24 -Newport, Wales -Le Pub
06/05/24. -Sheffield, England. -The Greystones
06/07/24 -Newcastle, England. -The Cluny 2
06/09/24. -Glasgow, Scotland. -The Glad Café

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Dickey lived right up Hwy 41 a mile from us in Osprey FL. Everytime Duane was in town visiting his Dad, Duane would play out at local spots here in SRQ area with friends. Dickey was at The Allman Betts Family Revival Show in Sarasota FL on his 80th Birthday Dec 12th 2023. He came out on stage, and yes they had a cake for him. RIP Sir.


You may not have known Dickey well or spent alot of time with him but you hit the nail on the head. Brilliance, generosity, the demand for musical perfection, and an IQ off the charts...all true. If Dickey Betts was your friend, you had the teuest friend in the world. He and Donna taught me yhe meaning of true friendship and I will always love them both for that.


Thanks for these interviews with Charlie. He is such a down to earth guy and has played with everybody. He is such an underrated guitarist, singer and songwriter. Blackberry Smoke really keeps straight on Rock and Roll and Southern Rock alive and well in a sea of corporate driven crap music. Thanks again, Otis....love the channel!


I met and was around Dickie in the early 90s and he was a hellion but he was always very kind to me


Such a revealing interview. Dickey Betts is a hero to all us southern guitar players and songwriters. I really dig how you just let the folks that you interview just talk and let it flow.


Cool, he mentioned Steve Gaines. He left way too early unfortunately. Great interview Charlie and Otis.


In 1984 I got extremely lucky. My best friends band called Hunters Gold opened for Greg and Dickie during the record label dispute at a small upstate NY club called Club Manhattan in Spring Valley. I went out to Dickies bus to let him know he had 20 minutes before he went on. So we talked and just hung out and he suddenly asks me what I'm doing for the next few weeks. Seems 1 of his crew had a family emergency and was leaving the next day. So I said nothing that I know of. So I drove home gathered up some clothes and drove back to the club. I only lived about 35 minutes away. I handed my friend the keys to my car and off I went for the next 6 months. We became good friends and from then on if I was near enough to get to his show I'd show up. It broke my heart hearing of his passing because of the time I got to spend with him listening to his story about his life, his favorite songs and favorite venues. I know I'll see him, Greg and everyone else I got to meet while on the road and working at Manhattan as part of the house crew.


One of the best interviews I’ve heard on the Allman-Betts legacy. Owe it all to the engaging conversationalist that Charlie is. So enjoyable. Congrats!


"People down in Georgia come from near and far/ To hear Richard Betts picking on that red guitar."

Charlie Daniels


He seems like such a good guy, with his head on straight (17 years of sobriety straight -- congrats to him!). His modesty is just great.


Check out Blackberry Smoke and tell 'em Otis sent ya!


Always pleased to see Charlie . Thanks for bringing these stories to us Otis .


I once read that Dickey said his father was a fiddle player, and that music wasn't listening to blues and then hanging yourself in the bathroom. It's joyous and upbeat. You can hear it in all his songs. Great episode, Otis! Thanks!


What a great guy Charlie Starr is. Excellent musician in my opinion. Blackberry Smoke is a very talented band. This just makes me like Charlie Starr even more (if that is even possible haha)


Great interview Charlie Starr you are genuinely a product of southern musical roots. TY for honoring Dickey and Steve Gains. 💔🌻


A masters class in humility. Charlie is one of the most humble axe slingers out there. It just ain't about him in his world - love the man. We're incredibly blessed to live in this time with Charlie's music!


I am a straight rock and metal head... well almost any music but love the heavy stuff.... I got tickets to see Blackberry Smoke, last minute, on a whim.... I already was listening to one song from them so ... Ok... cool...My wife and I saw them live for the first time only knowing one song....We were FUKING HOOKED. I, myself was a music teacher and played in every kind of band you could imagine. Now Blackberry smoke is my all time favorite band and my wifes fav too... We now spend hours driving 2 tracks playing BlackBerry Smoke albums non stop. It's been well over a year and I still wake up with their songs rolling through my head. Sometimes all day... Charlie you guys are the best. I know you stand on the backs of giants... we all do... I think you all are just amazing and so does my wife... Don't know if you will ever see this but you all have become a huge part of our life. I am sooo jealous. I would have given almost every thing to find talent like yours... Now I get to enjoy it anyways.. Just from the outside looking in. Thank you for your beautiful voice and thanks for the beautiful music you and you band create...


Charlie is one of the greats, I really enjoy his playing


Thanks Otis. Gotta love Charlie. Such a down to earth humble fella.


I got to meet Charlie a couple times when his band would bring their amps in for re-tubing and repairs back when I worked at Orange USA here in Atlanta. Charlie and his bandmates were always super nice chill dudes!
