r/EntitledParents WILL MY DAD KILL THE WHOLE FAMILY?! - Reddit Stories

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Reddit rSlash Storytime r entitledparents My dad calls me names and yells at me when he is drunk. I had enough and exploded back, but my mom and sisters looked at me like I needed mental help From loving mom to spiteful frenemy, how do I deal with a drastic personality change? I (24F) want to move out and cut ties with my mother (53F) Jealous of everyone that have a family 😓 My parents make me feel worthless and I’m dreading going back to America Guy steals car, wrecks it, gets his friends to steal it again, ended up totaling it Whenever my dad is sick he gets everyone in our family sick. Don't know what to do

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Author's names will be said before story, unless it's been sent to us and they've asked to include their name.

Story 1 00:00
Story 2 05:57
Story 3 11:32
Story 4 16:25
Story 5 20:50
Story 6 24:03
Story 7 25:36
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The notion of a flawless marriage or relationship is a myth. There's no set formula for success; what works for one couple may not work for another. Yet, I've discovered that there's always a way forward, even in the most challenging times. Five years ago, my wife and I encountered significant hurdles in our marriage that nearly led to divorce. Despite the adversity, we managed to weather the storm and emerge from it with our bond renewed and revitalised


S7: Op doesn't mention their age but if they're adult then they can just move out because they've known for a long time that their dad is pretty selfish when it comes to getting sick. So op's immunity is at risk then op needs to take extra precautions to protect their health. Op has to change in order to protect themself because the only other option is leaving. Good luck.


I tested positive once and I made sure to stay clean and quarantined myself as in penned myself in my room


ITS I love your stories take care all!


That last story makes me (maybe unreasonably) angry.

I've had COVID 4 times, luckily I'm fully vaccinated so most haven't been too bad, despite that each time I've tested positive I have locked myself away and only come out when I need the loo or no one else is about and made sure to wipe down every surface I've touched.

The dad is completely and utterly selfish and deserves a slap


7) this dad's a narcissist. OP needs to run as soon as they can.
My dad did that every time he was sick when we were growing up, we all had to get it as punishment for him feeling bad.
But if we got sick, we were banished to our rooms, barely allowed to go to the bathrooms when he was in. And given hard labour to do when he wasn't around.
Shockingly enough we always got alot worse with little care, food, water, and being expected to pull up a floor, replumb the house, build a shed or fix his car.


Ive had a similar situation the person who was supposed to be taking care of me treated me like a verbal and literal punching bag. One night we got back after he picked me up from a choir concert he started doing his usual thing getting in my face and threatening me but that night something just snapped and for the first time in 16 years fought back and pushed him away, after that he didnt lay a hand on me again its been a few years now

(Listening further the more me and OP have in common accept for drunk parent, jesus)


Last story how old are you? If possible move out of home to a better situation, if you are too young are there any extended family who are better informed and take better care with COVID? Maybe see if you can stay with them for a few months. That might be the message you family needs to hear in order to get about COVID and harm minimisation.


S3: Move out. You're 24 bloody years old. Move out and stop worrying about what your mom does in order to justify why you're being a leech. Pack up your crap and find a better place to live with people you approve of instead of trying to demonize your parents. See, easy solution to the hate you have for your parents. Time to step-up and start taking care of yourself without blaming your parents should you fall on your arse. If you're hungry then get a part time job. Stop complaining if you aren't contributing financially but taking and living off of your parents rent free.


S2: I'm so sick of people with children taking advantage of their parents by expecting them to babysit. They gave birth to you and helped raise you and sometimes without any help. So stop acting like you're doing them a favor by expecting them to babysit so that you can have some alone time. Your child. Your problem. Let them enjoy the rest of their life without you using them. Damn.
I have one grandson and I love him. My daughter tried to always call on us when she needed a sitter but we noped out of that because both of us were still working full time and we wanted to enjoy any free time we had without being interrupted.
We set the pace when it came to seeing him and allowing him to sleep over because we refused to be free babysitters.


A couple of the stories... there are many upsides to non-Western countries, but the one downside is situations where the person doesn't grow up aware of options available and may not venture out on their own. In their 20s, living at home... they should have jobs and know options. Though in Western countries too, young people are lazy abd still suckle at their parent's tits, but don't have abusive families. Hmm, I have no solution other than all of the world, young people, grow up and start taking care of yourselves to make your life better.
