10 Mods You NEED For Minecraft Create Mod

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Create is one of the greatest mods ever made for Minecraft! But even so combining it with other mods makes it even better and here are 10+ mods I think you NEED for the Create Mod!

Mods I talk about:
1. Storage Drawers/Functional Storage
2. Tom's Simple Storage/Refined Storage/Applied Energistics 2
3. Sophisticated Backpacks
4. Terralith and Tectonic
5. Nature's Compass
6. Farmer's Delight with Create Addons!
7. Easy Villagers
8. Chunky McChunkface/FTB Chunks
9. JEI and JER and Jade
10. Curios API

Edited by: Karley Joseph
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Highly recommend Create: Power Loader, it's a chunkloader mod specifically made for create which can load chunks on a contraption or train, or can load the chunk of an attached train station when a train arrives at it


I LOVE the combo

Create + Drawers + Farmer's delight + quark + suplementaries


8:23 the fact the biome was 6969 blocks away


Note on storage drawers, there is a cheap trim block that is both aestheticly pleasing and allows drawers to connect for the purposes of the drawer controller.
Not as freeform as functional storage, but still useful for layouts.


Personally I prefer REI over JEI. They're pretty much the same except that you can actually pin a recipe (the actual recipe and not favoriting an item, although you can do that too!) to the side of your screen so you can just have it there to easily reference. Especially handy for things that may have components you also need to craft before finally making the thing you're actually trying to craft.


Sophisticated Storage has drawers like Functional Storage and Storage Drawers, and it adds tiered chests and barrels.


Timestamps because why have them in your video

0:00 - 0:33 Intro
0:34 - 2:37 Storage Drawers
2:38 - 4:18 Tom's Simple Storage Mod
4:19 - 6:17 Sophisticated Backpacks- (i'd recommend travelers backpacks as a simpler alternative)
6:18 - 7:41 Terralith+Tectonic
7:42 - 9:20 Nature's Compass/(Explorers compass for structures)
9:21 - 10:50 Farmer's delight(Central kitchen)
10:51 - 12:33 Easy Villager - [Easy Piglins is also a mod that exists]
12:34 - 13:37 McChunkFace - (I'd recommend Create: Power Loader its an addon for fabric it works really well with Create Trains and stuff)
13:38 - 14:53 JEI w/ addons, Jade - (JEI or REI or EMI or NEI, there are tons of these all work about the same)
14:54 - 16:02 Curios API (if you want more uses for those use Charms or Artifacts)
16:03 - 16:48 Outro


Another mod i think you should take a look at is jade addons, wich has a create compatibility where instead of when using goggles on a create machine the gui is displayed on the middle of the screen it is nicely put with jade so your screen isn’t as crowded and you get all the info about the block you are looking at in the same place. And as a bonus it also shows infos that the goggles doesn’t give you normally, like the items stored in a inventory on a contraption, blaze burner fuel stats and more! It is available for 1.18+


Would like to add that the Sophisticated Storage mod also works with Create, and offers a few more features than Storage Drawers. For one, it has a more convenient UI for managing storage upgrades.


One that I wish you had mentioned is architects pallet

It adds a bunch of really good looking blocks each with interesting recipes that lend themselves incredibly well to create automation


4:27 They're backpacks. They're sophisticated. You can put them on your back and then open them with a hotkey.


Travelers backpacks are preety good instead. You trade off some storage for great abilities and a crafting table inside.


i love watching mod reccomendations as a 1.12 modded player, because im pointing at stuff going "thats just baubles!"
to be clear thats not a criticism in any way. good video :3


love how the alpine grove was 6969 blocks away


tip for the backpacks mod(maybe to op to use) while in ur hand shift right click to put it on the ground, and with some upgrades it can be an auto smelter, for food or iron, it can be a filter that works better than a brass funnel, it can be an auto compacter making auto 3x3 recipes with nuggets or ingots, can have insane storage space with compacting upgrades like 2k stone in a single slot, can server as a filtered hopper and a filtered AOE hopper, and even more, all of that compacted in a single block


trying to make a Modpack of create and this was VERY helpful. I did have all of these in place and ia few more QOL mods. good to know it was headed in a good direction.


Tom's simple storage also works drawer mods. Theyre not mutually exclusive.


Guys did jojo forget that you can use inventorio and we dont need the backpack upgrade, inventorio has a deep pockets enchant on your leggigns and your inventory will be bigger
Everyone we all heard dejojo
The thing on top is jade mod


Bro's skin looks like Joshua Weissman.


The problem I had with farmers delight is that I got too caught up with being a farmer and a chef and just kinda neglected create
