Gelin 117. Bölüm Fragmanı l Gözlerdeki Bitiş!

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Gelin 117. Bölüm Fragmanı l Gözlerdeki Bitiş!

Starring Talya Çelebi and Cenay Türksever, "Gelin" is the life story of two people from entirely different worlds: Hançer, who gives up her dreams for her loved ones on the one hand, and Cihan, who has fire in his eyes on the other.

Hançer, who gets her name from her sharp gaze, faces an offer that will turn her life upside down. Taking advantage of the fact that Hançer is poor and has a family that will not cause trouble, Mukadder Develioğlu offers her to marry her son and give birth to a son. Hançer, who dreams of finding the love of her life and having a happy marriage, first rejects this offer, but when she learns that her brother has a fatal illness, she is forced to accept the offer. Nothing will ever be the same for Cihan and Hançer, who have entered an irreversible path. Will these two young people, drawn into a big game and lost in a dark labyrinth, fall under the spell of love instead of the planned games?

Channel: Kanal 7
Production: FYM Film Yapım Merkezi
Directors: Taner Tunç

Talya Çelebi
Cenay Türksever
Betigül Ceylan
Çisel Kuşkan

#gelin #ecchorights

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Рекомендации по теме

Coook saçma bunu niye böyle saçma yapdilarki izlediler azlir böyle Beyza niçin hep kazanıyor Beyza belasını bulsa herse ortaya çıksa ne güzel olur çok izlensin diye böyle yazıyorlar ama hiç farkında dediglereki izleyici sayısı böyle devM edersem ben izlmiycem hep kötülerini kazanmak ya saçma saçma saçma
