The LAST Putting Lesson You Will EVER Need || 7 TIPS

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This will be the last putting lesson you will EVER need to watch on Youtube! In this video Adam, gives you 7 of his best putting set up tips. He goes over: hand placement, eye line, shoulder alignment and MORE!! Putting is 40% of your score so building the proper putting foundation is crucial for the low scores we all want and desire!

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Which Putting Tip helped you out the most? POST IT DOWN BELOW! ⛳😎


I rewatched this video several times today, and something you said just clicked! Best coach ever on youtube, thank you!


The whole process is key! Awsome!! Thank you, you are unbelievable, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


Easily the best putting video I have ever watched - thank you. Only question I have is if you bend from the waist and you are too far forward or too far back how do you like to see the player adjust? I tend to walk into the shot as suggested and the ball is lined up with the heel of the putter.


Pure Gold almost like stealing from the guys that charge $300 an hour.


Did I hear a little Todd Sones in there? lol. Rotate tuck and tilt is pure gold!


way too technical. there has to be a way this can be simplified. imagine learning to hit a nail with a hammer this way.


This is by far the best putting lesson I ever had. Thank you.


The arms tucked in has been very big key for me and like you said, it stabilizes you and ensures no unnecessary movements through the putt. I was actually doing this on the range this morning.


I'm gonna look so good missing 4 footers now.


I improved my puttting by 9 strokes from my last game on your fantastic and easy to follow video. And I left a few out there. Honestly, I told my golfing friends before we teed off I was changing my putting technique after viewing this video and by the end of the round they said you better send us the link. I've never had so many one putts in my life.


I have to smile when I see what is essentially an art exposed to an over-reductionist approach. Sure there are some fundamentals, but they are relatively few when it comes to the short stick. If you want to toss a ball into a basket you don't think of the action of your individual articulations and muscles. You let our highly evolved biology do its work as it has done since we threw spears for food.
Over- thinking putting mechanics hinders the most important factor; a positive strike. Besides, you only need look at the huge diversity of techniques applied by the great putters to see there is no right way, just fashions and fads. Smoother, faster greens just change type of fundamentals that are important.


This is the missing piece in lowering my handicap. Started at 22.5 this year, goal is 15. Currently 17.2. Thanks for the great tips! Gonna try it tomorrow in the golf scramble!


Good video but you might also want to think about a couple of things I've learned in 60 years. The installation of the putter grip is VERY, VERY, VERY IMPORTANT. Most grips have a flat spot which goes on "top". But, what is the top? If the grip installer misses it by .5 degrees, the user is automatically going to have trouble. I honestly believe some of the pros we watch on TV, who used to putt lights out and then suddenly couldn't sink a putt had their grip changed...and it wasn't on EXACTLY CORRECT like the old one. The second thing you might want to think about is "why right handed golfers miss to the right" when they are under pressure. Lefties miss left. Our natural inclination is to direct the palm of our right hand AT THE HOLE. This puts the putter blade several inches to the right. We do this because we stand to the side of the ball and that is unnatural for most people. The HANDS NEED TO TRACK SOMEWHAT TO THE LEFT OF THE HOLE during the stroke. Each person has to figure that distance out for himself or herself. I've been teaching for years and watching PRO GOLF on TV for six decades. How many times have we seen a seasoned pro "choke" and leave a very short putt out to the right? Again, the putter shaft is on an angle. The head of the putter is not directly UNDER OUR HANDS. This is confusing and weird for many golfers. So, they instinctively don't trust their stroke and they make THEIR HANDS GO TOWARD THE HOLE AND NOT TO THE LEFT OF THE HOLE. I'm betting if you try these two tips, you will find out something you never thought was possible. Go ahead and install a new grip on a putter and make sure it's not quite correct..just by a little. You'll then understand. If you have a student who can't seem to make a straight in four footer, talk about where is hands have to track. Have him pick a small target that is a few inches left of the hole and ask him to make his right hand go toward that target on the left and see what happens. The one last suggestion is to have your students not try to sink putts into the hole. Have them pick a spot on the ground 12" behind the hole and focus on that spot, not the hole. Have them try TO STOP THE BALL EXACTLY ON THAT SPOT BEHIND THE HOLE. NO FURTHER. NOT SHORTER. Putting is all about where the ball stops rolling.and if the hole happens to be the way, the ball falls into the hole. Distance is 75% of putting. It's where the ball stops rolling. Lay a string on the green that is perpendicular to the line of the putt. Have your studen try some ten footers. The goal is to STOP THE BALL ON EXACTLY ON THE STRING.


This video is AWESOME!!!! I’ve watched a TON of YouTube golf videos and this one really produces results!!! This shaved 3-5 strokes off my score instantly! My favorite tip? The elbows locked into my sides! I now make a lot more 8-12’ putts and my misses are just off! Thanks for the lesson.


This was an amazing jam packed dense lesson on putting. Incredible value here. Thanks for the video. Subscribed.


BOOM! Another mic drop video! Only discovered you a couple of weeks ago and can’t emphasise enough how much my game has improved following your channel … I do have it playing most of the day! A whole-hearted thanks from the UK.


What a tutorial, I´m amazed!!! Never have had such clarity and solidity in the process of putting. You are unique in your communication. Congratulations, best tutorial of all that I´ve seen.


Thanks for this video. I've been struggling with putting lately and this was exactly what I needed to get back on track! Rotate, tuck and tilt is genius. I spent 3 hours on the green today getting my set-up and stroke right. Should be helpful this weekend at a tournament.


Man you are so good, and one of the best communicators of golf instruction on YT.
