Ethereum will be bigger than Bitcoin sooner than you think-The Stakeborg DAO Talks #4 with Raoul Pal

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Ethereum will be bigger than Bitcoin sooner than you think -The Stakeborg DAO Talks #4 with Raoul Pal

Vlad discussed with Raoul some very hot topics:

Ethereum flipping Bitcoin
DAOs & Indexes in crypto
Layer 1 solutions like Avalanche, Polkadot or Luna
Centralized vs decentralized,
Institutional money in crypto
Market manipulation
Having the right time horizon when investing in crypto

+ analysis on what 2022 could bring to crypto.

00:00 Introduction
01:54 How do you see 2022 from a macro perspective?
03:55 Why do you think you are a contrarian from this perspective?
04:44 So you think that the inflation rate of almost 7% in the US will go down?
05:28 From a selfish crypto perspective, what should we want from 2022?
06:08 Why have you become interested in Bitcoin and how did it happen?
10:55 How was your Bitcoin valuation from 2013 received?
11:29 So you entered crypto by buying bitcoin in 2013?
11:38 Internet Growth vs Crypto Growth in terms of network effects. Can you elaborate a bit into this?
14:37 Are the previous network effects replicated in the crypto industry?
16:27 Why is there tribalism in crypto?
19:07 How do public figures manage when they are not right with the predictions they made?
23:00 What are the odds of the retail to win at this game called crypto?
24:10 Speaking of the price, how do you see the market right now?
26:38 Why do you think we see so much leverage?
29:30 How manipulated do you think the bitcoin market is?
31:06 How do you see the war between all the other Layer1 projects besides Ethereum?
33:11 Do you see Ethereum flipping Bitcoin's market cap?
34:52 How are your private discussions with Institutions about the crypto space?
37:05 What are the biggest stumbling blocks about offering support to institutions?
40:25 We are trying to replicate products from different environments and trying hard to fit those products into Crypto. Is this a good way to generate adoption?
42:35 Speaking of NFTs, why was it so counterintuitive to see that attaching NFTs to digital assets could mean a lot in terms of adding value?
45:02 Do you own a crypto punk? What NFTs do you own?
48:50 Is it possible to have Raoul with a Bored Ape once we see the Apes in Hollywood movies, commercials?
50:28 Why are DAOs so Sexy?
53:34 Talking about the founding in this industry, where will they deploy all the money?
55:35 What are your 2 cents on regulation? What's crypto? Who will decide? Who will hold the ax to decide what is what?
58:15 Do you think we are going in the right direction with the regulations?

#RaoulPal #StakeborgDAOTalks #Ethereum

The system f*cked us up.
Similar to crypto, we are here to clean the mess.
Рекомендации по теме

Raoul Pal, clar underrated. Am tot respectul pt el. Toti cei interesati de crypto sau economie in general ar trebui sa fie online, urmarind live-ul asta


Guys, do you realize this content is for free? No need to pay 100K to go to University and buy the paper (Diploma) so you can make a little bit of money per month and also be in debt for the rest of your life. Thanks Vlad for this interview. This is golden and it will be your most watched video ever. 🔥


Finally you got big Raoul. Very proud of you. He is also my hero. Good questions though Vlad. Well done! Thanks for the content!


Thank you for asking Raoul about his end of year predictions - they were tough questions. I’ve been following Raoul for 2.5 years but after this disappointing ‘end of year’ run up I want to hear what he had to say. Thank you.


This is something new. It's super nice to see a new perspective. Very good interview


Just found your channel because I try to follow Raoul Pal as much as possible. He's one of the few that is opened minded on the space and not set to just one thing or should I say just bitcoin. You did a good job with the interview I'll stay around for your channel in the future.


Great interview with very good questions and offcours a very interesting guest with a intrestiview! Subscribed!


Great discussion with Raoul Pal! #BTC #ETH #SAND #STANDARD #SOL #ATOM #EGLD #BNB #LUNA #AVAX


Damn. These are good questions. Not a bunch of fan boy questions and price estimates.


imi aduc aminte acum 1 an si jumatate cand real vision abia avea 20k subscribers desi avea invitati de top. Acum are peste 600k. Felicitari pentru interviu! Intrebari bune si un invitat de top.


Well done Vlad, it only seems like a few months ago since we were in Chiang Mai talking about affiliate stuff. I've gone very much down the crypto route since then too.


Does anybody know what the carbon trade is that Raoul refers to? I have heard him mention it before but unsure what it is.


La un alt Podcast chiar am și comentat ca mi l as dori pe Raoul Pal invitat și uite ca e aici !! Mulțumim. Ziceam și de Cathie Wood și Michael Saylor, dar în special pe Cathie mi as dori sa o ascult 😃


Stiam cat de smart este Raol si nu am ramas surprins la cele spuse. Imi face mare placere sa ma aflu in acest "spaziu" cu atat de multe persoane bogate (si nu la bani ma refer).


Would love to be able to have a conversation with Raoul, and get some advice on where to put my money to work in crypto


26:38 - this is exactly what I've been saying. Retail has _nothing_ to do with Bitcoin's price action anymore. Your average retail investor doesn't even hold Bitcoin because the profit potential isn't there anymore. People who get into crypto are not interested in "maybe a 2x in the next 2 years." Big retail money is in Avalanche, Polygon, Solana, Cardano, Ethereum, Terra.. that's where retail is.

Bitcoin is basically dead to the profit seeking risk-on retail investor. This is, in a certain way, very bullish for widespread crypto adoption, but also makes me think that the altcoin market's habit of tracking Bitcoin's price action is soon to fade away. How could it not? If we have entirely different investor classes between these projects, it makes very little sense that they'd continue to correlate so heavily.


Vlad, you really are a MVP for the RO market! Thank you for all your efforts and constant involvement in educating and creating valuable content


Dacă îl mai aduci și pe Saylor în interviu ați rupt gura târgului.


The etherium will be the next AOL sooner than you think


Ați putea face ferestrele in care apăreți un pic mai mari.
