The Girls Who Went To Heaven & Hell While Sleeping (True Story)

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While attending a slumber party with her sister, Valerie and her sister were suddenly taken into the heavenly realm and each met Jesus, for different reasons. For Valerie, she underwent an amazing tour of paradise, seeing sights that Jesus explained to her to heal her of abuse, and to release Valerie's purpose - one that Jesus said would be difficult. But then Jesus enclosed her in a protective "bubble," because He was taking Valerie to hell. There Valerie experienced sights and a warning for those living today. Today, Valerie is practicing the purpose that Jesus called her to in Heaven. She rescues those caught in human trafficking. She saves those caught in abuse, like Jesus rescued her from abuse when she was a child. Be prepared to be astonished by the wonderful details of Heaven in Valeries journey. And discover God's favorite color!

Friends, if you see the star on the wall, it is NOT A SATANIC SYMBOL... IT is the Texas Lone Star.

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I have an Angel Of God Always. I also died and was flying, then i landed and was in the presence Of Yeshua, He Has Unending Love, and we talked telepathically in the year 2004,
He healed me from lung disease, uterine cancer and healed my once destroyed vocal cords so i can sing again and speak. Yeshua You're my I Love YOU Too!!!


I am a Christian who struggles with forgiving others. I am trying to overcome this by asking Jesus to help me.


I was abused when I was 5 years old. It took me years to get over it. I recently had a chance to reach out to the abuser, but I did not. I remember that I gave the situation to God and rejected the idea of reaching out to the person. I can not forget the abuse, I wish I could but I can not. However, I told God that I forgave the person. Sometimes I think about it and it makes me sad, it hurts but I do not wish Hell on anyone and no harm on this earth to them as well. The hard part is to forget. So I will ask God to erase it from my mind, please pray for me as well that he will erase it from my mind, In Jesus' name.Amen


I'm a month born again Christian ✝️ 🙏💞 I've never felt better in all my life. I now pray in tongues I'm so glad i gave my life to juses christ our savour amen 🙏


I had a NDE under the age of 2 years. It is the earliest memory I have but never could place it until I was in my early 30’s after listening to other NDE’s and finding out that I had almost died after swallowing a crayon. Mom said my lips were blue and that they had much difficulty getting it out of my throat. The memory I had was so unique and nothing made sense as to how I could’ve had such an experience in the earthly realm. Especially when considering the man in a white rob and sandals. His face was so bright that I couldn’t see any details. We also did an activity that allowed me to catch 100’s of fish with just one scoop of water. I believe Jesus had me do this to resemble becoming a fisher of men. Before leaving we were walking in shallow water but the sticks under the willow trees were hurting my feet because I was barefooted. Jesus then held out his hand and ask me if I was hurting and offered to pick me up. I said, yes, and then he put me on his shoulders. He did this to let me know that when life would begin to hurt that I could call upon him to carry me on his shoulders. God is so good and Jesus loves us so much. Since then I’ve had beautiful experiences with The Holy Spirt. I was allowed to feel a concentrated amount of love . Insomuch that I had to say stop because I wasn’t sure my body could withstand anymore. In hindsight I should of given myself over to the spirit but I got scared. Regardless, Jesus has so much love for us. The ability to love that far outweighs our ability to love. Its all just so absolutely astonishing. God is Holy, Holy, Holy! Call upon him daily and when life gets rough and he will be there for you. Sometimes it may take awhile to get your heart in a place to open up to him but don’t give up trying. It was 2 years of consistent prayer before he gave me that concentrated version of his presence. Although, a lighter version continually guides me all the time. He truly is there, always we just need to open our hearts enough to feel him.


I can’t wait to worship the Lord in person


My son had a dream last year of heaven and hell, he also had visions and dreams since 2019 we weren't even close to God so I believed him when he told me what he was seeing. He turned 11 this past December.
My brother was kidnapped when he was 10yr old it was a horrible, he escaped when he was 14 and was never the same. He passed away in 2019 when he was 37yr 😢
I was also abused as a kid by 4 different men. My whole life was traumatic but God has been healing me.


Im asking we pray for the children that were violated by grown people on that island thats who we ahould pray for too 🙏 ❤ in the name of Jesus Christ


I've always believed green & blue were God's favorite colors due to the earth's greenery, waters & sky


I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior God bless


July 3, 1989 was in a 8 car pile up at 16
Found dead in the middle of the rd.
Saw an angel an my body I could saw everything going on a lady checking my vitil sign.The angle called me by my name a put his arm around me an up into the light an I saw the most BEAUTIFUL Colors an heard an Drum🪘 beat like a heart beat 💓 hearing the angle Sing!.. Hallelujah 🙌
Glory be to God in the Highest an the God an thousands of thousands of ppl as far as you can see look like a ocean of ppl Praisesing God.
There is so much more to my testimony yes! Heaven is Real!!...
The angel took me to the kingdom an I saw my grandfather an Jesus like I said there's more to my testimony. But the point is,
IS to wake up to the love of God an BELIEVE in His SON...
Son of God.
💓🩸✝️💧👑 💖✨️ 🕊🙌🙌🙏
are the chosen one's.
To come back to Tell bout the after life an that it's real. Telling you the truth christ is Alive an Well. His LOVE 💗 Is Amazing!
He is amazing!


Thank you Randy for open my eyes as an ex Muslim Mohammad deceive my entire family i pray Jesus save there soul


I'm a born again Christian myself, I searched for years in esoteric teachings, but I found Jesus is the only way. 🙏


I got breast cancer over unforgiveness. To this day, no one has apologized to me. I will need to physically hand my unforgiveness over to Jesus. I’m staring at a painting of dandelion weeds surrounded in various colors of green. (God’s favorite color). What a perfect time to pick the ones outside growing and blow the seeds to Jesus to catch. Dandelions may be weeds to some but the roots are known to help detox our liver. If we harbor resentment, it’s time to give that to Jesus and he will restore our heart and body.


I escaped trafficking and extreme abuse and was set free by an encounter with Jesus… and I live in the Bay Area, I need to connect with this woman! My friend told me I’m supposed to help trafficking victims as well. I have a story of hope Valerie. I will go to your website and contact you.


I’m freaking out. My name is also Valerie. I am also from the Bay Area and I also had a hellish experience at a slumber party. Except I was around 12. I had an NDE at 2 years old where I was picked up and held by Jesus. I also moved to Texas 5 years ago. This is really amazing and weird.


What a blessing to hear about heaven from the perspective of a 6 year old ❤. 🙏


The heart you sang to Jesus and couldn't remember...
I love you Lord
And I lift my voice
To worship you
Oh my soul rejoice
Take joy my King
In what you hear
Let it be a sweet sweet sound in your ear .
This song means a lot to me for many reasons. Thank you for sharing this!


I appreciate that little to no detail was given on the abuse and trauma - I do believe going into those details has the potential to give Satan a foothold for the listeners. Focusing on the truth of the Lord is the best thing a Christian can do


The flowers sway back and forth dancing! I saw it, too! ❤🎉✝️
