Acts 22:16 Isn’t Teaching Water Baptism Cleanses Us From Our Sins

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How do people not see that repentance is dying with Christ, water baptism is being buried with him, and receiving his Spirit is new life with him.

That is believing/obeying the Gospel.


Water bookmarks the word from the garden to the river of life in heaven, and everywhere in between. This verse is so powerful demontrating that Saul was saved at the moment he was baptized in water. Acts 22:16 does not seem to connect baptism and salvation, it does connect them. "wash away you sins". Don't let this long winded rambling chatter fool you. The Spirit did not save Paul. Paul encountered the Spirit on the road but was not saved until he went and did what he had to DO, Acts 22:10.

Ananias told him it was not time to pray but to obey! Wash away your sins! Paul was NOT saved on the road by the Spirit. He was still blind and had not done what he had to do. All through the Bible, every person without exception has had to do God's will. Faith alone has never saved and the Spirit does not save directly, but only through the blood and a man baptizing

Calling on the name of the Lord IS baptism. It is the authoritative act that brings the sinner in contact with the blood of Jesus, Romans 6:1-7, Acts 2:38.

Jesus commanded belief and baptism. Belief alone is a waist of time. There must be obedience.
No water baptism, no salvation.


During the conversion of Saul/Paul, if him recieving the Holy Spirit aligns with protestant teaching then the moment the Lord talked to him on the road to Damascus would have been when he believed and recieved the Holy Spirit.
Even though Paul had been blind, fasting, and in prayer for three days there was still something missing in his salvation experience.
Ananias came to him telling him "why tarriest thou ?" "Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins calling on the name of the Lord.
In Acts the " washing away of sins" is a direct action of repentance and during water baptism( Acts 2:38)(Luke 24:47).
The Word identifying this is the "remission"of sins. Remission of sins, in the original Greek is closely related to the Greek word for forgiveness.The word for forgiveness though means a pardon from sins and remission means a cleansing from sins. The word for remission could easily be replaced with " washing away" of sins.
The Word "remission" is only used relating to one other term in scripture and that is the blood of Christ.
( Heb.9:32)( Matt.26:28).
It is during water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ that the Holy Spirit, because of the shed blood of Christ, remits our sins by circumcising our conscience, removing the guilt from past sins, and restoring it to its original childlike innocence from wilful sin.
This is the " washing of regeneration" of Titus 3:5. The word " regeneration" defined means to restore something to its original state. Our original state as it pertains to our conscience is that of innocent children
This is the new covenants antitype of the old covenants cleansing of the temple with blood and water in preparation for the Spirit of God to occupy the temple. That temple now is our body.
The Holy Spirit will not occupy a " temple" that is unclean. After Pauls' water baptism he was told to call on the name of the Lord to occupy the cleansed temple of his body.


The scripture means what the scripture says. It's very straight forward. You're in trouble when you have to say " the scripture does not mean what it says" it actually means this This what Satan said to Eve in the Garden. Did God really Say....


I have a few questions, still.
1. Why did Jesus include water baptism in "The Great commission ", if it's "optional"? Every bible teacher who says we don't have to be baptized inorder to be saved, are basically saying that water baptism is optional, and it doesn't make a difference.
If a new believer who confessed and believed unto salvation decided to NOT be baptized (because they were told that they don't have to be baptized to be saved) lose their salvation? Would people say they must not have been save in the first place? I mean I can picture people saying something like this, " Well, if they were really saved they would want to be baptized". Wait a minute, the ones who would say that, are the same folks saying water baptism doesn't save. So what difference does it make?
2 . What if the Apostles didn't baptize people and they ignored that aspect of "the great commision" ?
What if Peter didn't preach water baptism of Acts 2:38? What if Saul told Ananias, "That's ok, I'm good, I don't need to be baptized because all these other bible teachers told me that I'm already saved? What if John the baptist told Jesus that he didn't need to be baptized? Oh wait, we all know what Jesus answered on that example.
If baptism doesn't have anything to do with salvation, then why is it even in our bibles? Is itvjustvto confuse everyone, or could it be that water baptism is in our bible because it is a necessary component of our salivation?


Unless the Lord open your eye to truthful doctrine one can't see. It is so evident through out the bible that baptism is a very important part of receiving salvation and without you can't be save...that is a major part of faith. But this is off because this is the only way to God without that formula repentance baptism and receiving the holyspirt. I pray the lord open your eyes because this is error in the formation of salvation.


I am a member of the church of Christ and If Acts 22:16 is not saying that baptism washes away your sins, then what is it saying? How can you people deny this. I doubt if many of you even know what takes place in the waters of baptism. It is where you come into contact with the blood of Jesus Christ and every drop of that blood is what forgives us of our sins.


Why does the Bible contradict it self? I’ve read so much of it and it seems to contradict itself. Someone help me understand. I’m seeking for answers to life


Interesting! I listen to you with great interest, but this doesn't seem logical. The laying on of hands, being freed from blindness, and receiving Holy Spirit seems to be connected for sure, but then after that comes the imperative to be baptized and wash away sins, after the laying on of hands and receiving the spirit.
God bless you!!


You're wrong and you're not above reproach.


Above reproach ministry. Anyone who knows the Bible will know that Saul [Paul] was saved three days before he was baptized with the Holy Ghost, See Acts 9: 6--17, When Saul said, "Lord what will you have me to do", That was his conversion, [his salvation].
But he wasn't baptized in the Holy Ghost until three days later, Vs 9--10. and he wasn't baptized in water at that time.
As for Acts 22: 16. The Greek Bible text says,
Why wait, arise and be baptized Because your sins have already been washed away when you called on the name of the Lord, Acts 9: 6.

If you knew the Bible, you wouldn't need to give your own thoughts.
