Coaching 14 Year Old Recurve Archer from India on Proper Archery Technique

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This archer has been shooting recurve archery for just about two years and is looking for help on bringing their archery scores to the next level. I critique his archery form and give him things to work on that can bring his shooting to the next level.

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Hi Jake, greetings from Central Virginia. This summer I took up target archery and I really enjoy it And even though I shoot a compound, I find that many of the tips you give crossover. Today’s video was exceptionally good. Thanks for your help.


Wow this young man has a lot of potential to be a great shooter! He looks to be a very strong and determined shooter!
Your assessment of too long of a draw length is spot on because his bow hand is static and not dynamic as the back half is doing all of the work. Shorter DL and dynamic bow hand along with bringing his toes together parallel with the paper towel tear would be spot on!
Your video coaching is a great resource for aspiring young archers!


Thanks for this lessons, they're invaluable!


I shoot an older Oneida bow with fingers and your lessons have helped me a lot.


Picking lots of good stuff from your channel Mr K. Archery GB news letter has listed you as a good online resource this month. Just trying to get some NTS / KSL goodness in to my recurve & compound shooting at the moment. Thanks so much for your effort and time.


Thanks Jake, I learned a lot from this vid.


Fantastic Video again! In my opinion you could create even more Hip stability by torqueing your feet outwards with the same force without movement ( 2 out of 10)by activating you glut med and min instead of just the abductores.
But that is just a thought….
Kind regards


At this point i'm still running through a checklist in my head, especially when it comes to the stance position & grip, something about setting crawl right sometimes make me change grip slighty to the point where starts feeling wobbly inducing some tilt. Needless to say there's the occasional drive by during group shoots when everyone is waiting lol. Although when i'm scoring lately i stopped caring using the majority of the 30 seconds.


Anybody for crossover video, Jake formchecking Nusensei?


If I shoot bulls every time does perfect form matter? At what point does form stop accepting accuracy? When it’s perfect or when it’s 100% consistent?


This is called mixture of KSL and NTS .


Of his flaws, in what order of priority should he proceed?
