How to Look Busy on the Construction Site

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23 years working in industry, I approve this message. And if anybody ask you what you're doing all you have to say is "Oh hey you guys got a few minutes?" And boom suddenly they're busy and leave you alone


This is why roads take 20 years to make 💀


My 8 years of construction, this makes me realize I did more than I should've


I've found that actually being busy makes the day go by much faster than when I just act busy


Forgot one... when the tape is out, there is no doubt. As long as your tape is extended, your gonna get commended. Just random measuring with a frustrated face. Works everytime 👍


Glad to hear Tacklebox is still out there killin it! 🙂


You forgot the old roll up the extension Chord and then walk across the job site unroll it -then repeat over and over


As a former tradesman, I highly recommend the 50 count box of Dunkin’ munchkins. Coming back late with a dozen donuts looks like your milking, and not everyone will want an entire donut; but most munchkin’s are grab and go; and everyone will have at least one; or two, or Five.


I used to work with a guy who would “walk nowhere with a purpose”

Did it like 5 times a day 10
Minutes across the job site and back

So funny 🤣


I worked for a major construction company stright out of high school and climbed the ladder fairly fast and my project manager who was also a family friend taught me these skills at a young age. Another great trick is to always have the roll of prints with you and have 2 or 3 friends just stand and stare at the plans while you bs for 2 hours lol


Pro tip: Just stand in a random room with the blueprints and look at the ceiling, then the prints and repeat. After about 30 mins move rooms. Anyone asks what you’re doing, “I was double checking some stuff”. I’ve killed many days this way.


i'm a big fan of standing at the top of a ladder with my head in the ceiling and doing some meditating


This works in a big company try it in a company of 3 or 5 guys and it’s WAY more of a challenge lol


i used to manage the warehouse at a circuit city. one day i decided i wanted to get out of the warehouse for awhile. so i taped two empty cardboard boxes to a dolly. put on a back brace and gloves and just walked on the floor for like 4 hours...playing video games. watching demo movies, etc. no one ever caught on. the store manager even came up to me and said "man you have been working your ass off today"


Your crew has been building that same apartment for like, what, 3 years?


I love sitting in a corner of the job site just smacking my hammer on stuff while making grunting noises. The more grunts the "harder your working"


I started at a new company a little over a year ago and they joked about how if you really want to look busy to do laps around the job site with a forklift. Now days, I realize that it’s a legit thing.


The YMCA of looking busy, shit this man just struck gold!! Classic!


Here's one from our boys that Sham proudly in the military;

Grab a clipboard, a pen, and start walking about. Write stuff down that might seem important for later, but isn't. Y'know, like... "Tacklebox: 2nd Time". People'll ask, "What does that mean, 2nd time?" Then you hit 'em with the "Not important for you to know." If its a boss-man? "I'm keeping track of his progress and any mistakes he's making, so we can help him on it at the end of the year". If you think a year is too much, try "finished on the job site". Boss-man'll probably think that's a good idea, and I'm sure Tacklebox or anyone else you're "monitoring" will fuck up at some point to justify your "2nd time". If the job goes on for long enough, you may never even need to bring this shit up again.

Oh, another I remembered!

Grab a few pieces of paper with some important-looking bullshit on it. Spreadsheet, a bunch of other shit, just stuff that looks important. Then? Look *PISSED* and I mean it. Be stomp-walking, maybe swear a few times, especially when you know nobody is looking, but someone might be listening... And then find a place that you can go into that has no way to look inside or something... And go in. Maybe scout it beforehand. Some part of the building that's finished, or apart of the job site that nobody ever goes into... You'll know it well enough if you never see anyone go into it. Use other methods to stick around nearby, to see who goes into it, and at what times. Try and scout it for a week, if your job site is gonna go for months longer. THEN, once you have your spot, your papers, and your pissed off look? March in there, close the door behind you loudly, and... Take a nap. If you can, lock the door.


Trust me if you actually keep yourself busy the day goes way faster
