Rasta Style Scrambled Eggs (Afukuku) VS 'Tree Eggs' !

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Mokko has fooled many vegans/vegetarians with his "Tree Eggs" (Ackee) before, and today we are doing a side by side comparison! We talk about traditional Maroon names, a magical black wiss vine that you can drink out of, cooking dishes when even a Rasta chef will use salt, our crazy hike from St Thomas to Portland (vid coming soon) and much more. Thanks to Bjorn from Sweden for visiting!
bless up,
Matthew & Mokko
Check out the original Scrambled Eggs (Rasta Style) here:
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Lakesha Nugent- One Hundred Times (Instrumental)
@LewisBennett Rastafari Riddim
Astra- Magiksolo
Skipp Whitman- Patience
@roger_rivas Wild Island
Lakesha Nugent- One Hundred Times (Instrumental)
bless up,
Matthew & Mokko
Check out the original Scrambled Eggs (Rasta Style) here:
Ras Kitchen Instagram & Facebook
Lakesha Nugent- One Hundred Times (Instrumental)
@LewisBennett Rastafari Riddim
Astra- Magiksolo
Skipp Whitman- Patience
@roger_rivas Wild Island
Lakesha Nugent- One Hundred Times (Instrumental)