BRICS vs G7: How BRICS Dominated the G7

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We’ve witnessed firsthand as the rise of the BRICS nations and how they’ve positioned themselves as an interesting counterpoint to the G7. Join us as we dive into which ways BRICS has overtaken the G7.

The videos are made by the same team that brings you The Infographics Show.

All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.
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Greatly, underplayed the internal problems with most of the BRICS nations.
South Africa is near collapse due to the power problems. You have the companies who repair infrastructure, paying people to sabotage it just so they can fix it again. You can't build new businesses when the power is constantly failing.
India doesn't have enough jobs and less than 25% of women work because of problems with the honor culture in India. That is a result for jumping from agricultural to service industries without the middle step of manufacturing. This is further complicated due to most companies being under ten people to avoid taxes and corrupt inspectors. If the economy was to advance you'd suddenly have a bunch of people out of work as the companies consolidated.


They seem so STRONG but remeber they have their own problems each one could tank their economy.

Brazil - Ran Currently by a Socialist poltiocally unstable.
Russia - A war with Ukraine win or loose they'll have sanctions on them till Putin either quits or dies.
India - Bad relations with China border war a few years ago also wants to stay neutral as Brics becomes more polticized to compete agains G7 India will have to consider protecting the businesses they got from China.
China - Economic crisis companies are leaving by the droves for INDIA which contributes to poltical tnesions.
South Africa - Energy crisis currently economy crumbling due to an incompetent government taking control of private corporations.

All in all their poltical and cultural ideals are all in contrast a lot of them are ran by tyranical authoritarians (china/Russia) which may come into conflict with their co-members as they want to assert their influence. At least the G7 have similiar ideals and compliment each other. Brics could trigger a major flashpoint between India and China over business and territory one rising the other falling sharing a common border and China seeing the fall of russia because of the ukraine conflict may suddenly push it's agenda to retake the city of vlaidvostok which the russians took from china.


The Republic of Ireland isn't part of the UK, and is part of the EU.


This video doesn’t go over the context of why trump didn’t event the agreement


Hey if you want to see something interesting have an AI compare human rights abuses to the economic growth in briks. You can use it to generate a chart if you want it's really fascinating.


South africa is in decline the economy has declined since the apartheid i know cause i am south african


I'm not watching the video because everybody knows BRICKS should be renamed legos.


That horrible noise at 7:25 was almost enough to cause me to just exit the video. Glad that it didn't last too long


Not sure when brics "overtook" the g7 and in what. India & China alone could crumble brics


I don’t think this really accurately tell of BRICS economic situation. Yes, they’re on an upward trend, however all the BRICS countries are significantly poorer per capita and that causes a lot of other economical and social issues


Thank you. Very Kurzgesagt style. lol It’s been frustrating to watch for the last couple of months and people do not see the plan has been in place for years. It’s why the US and Western support for Ukraine, Red Sea, Taiwan, Indonesia, etc. is so important. BRICS is trying to establish itself as a respected new order but that’s what “The West” has been doing, supporting Democracy and Economic relations amongst nations. Now, BRICS is trying to sell a knock-off version as if it was better.


Kind of curious what ties did trump havewithf vladimir


Wasn't it kind of unstable because most of them are like.... underdogs and rather selfish.


Been looking for more info on this, great vid


My only rebuttal is the overall capital investor and owner of more than half of that $45 trillion is on a downward trajectory already within their economy due to a lack of high birth rates and the one child policy so I don’t see brics staying together much longer, especially with India! being courted by the United States and having member states like Saudi Arabia and Iran, in the same group


Geo Politico can you make another video like this but with the arab league vs another alliance


Well this is informative.I really don't like brics but good to know


I don't know that BRICS every publicly stated why their need or desire to expand this year (2023).
The actual GDP of combined BRICS members amounts only to about the US alone so maybe they were looking for some economic heft.
But, GDP is only one metric comparing BRICS to anything else whether it's the USA alone, the G7 or anything else.

The PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) theory as described in this video is debatable, the argument for it is for example are the wages paid per hour for unskilled labor or anything else that is considered the same in the countries being compared. But, is the comparison really valid? Just because the labor is cheaper in one country compared to another, is the work, material or product really the same? In today's global economy, I'd say that PPP has little true value although some exceptions can be found where it might be valid. But, the point is that the education, training ans skill required for that comparable task should make the product different in each country but if the product difference doesn't make any difference to the Consumer, then that product would stop being made in in the more expensive country(reason for many manufacturing businesses having left the USA). In other cases, materials like aluminum and steel are usually affected by government intervention often in the form of discounts, subsidies or tariffs.

The problems of Conservativism and Populism in the West is just a sad and unfortunate piece of history and hopefully will not last. It's a problem in a way of being too successful, and when disasters strike, poor countries are unable to sustain their people and you see mass migrations to countries of opportunity. Those that are able to make it to the US try to do so as the #1 destination but for those on other continents with harder access they go to places like Europe instead. These destination countries are generally unprepared for the mass migrations although if you're progressive and liberal, you'd recognize the opportunity these immigrants can provide. Instead, Conservative and Populist reactions generally been to reject these immigrants because it's easier than to actually turn immigration into profits, progress and in the process doing good for fellow humanity.

So, although this video focuses on the West's Conservative and Populist actions rejecting the needs of developing countries, saying that all of the West is of the same mind is untrue. And BRICS really is a collection of misfits and excluded, some like India in their national pride that anything it does is free from influence or association from others and others like Russia and China for their actions and threats to violate international law including invasions and other hostilities in defiance of global institutional judgements.

BRICS would not exist except for the fact its members either cannot or will not abide with laws and requirements, in some way every member cannot access standard global institutional resources so are trying to band together to create alternative resources for themselves. There's nothing wrong with that. But for those countries that choose to do whatever it takes to access normal resources like Argentina, Greece and Italy, there are better future prospect that go beyond the simple access to resources, it's also changing its national course from a path of belligerence to pragmatism and bettering its people in real ways.


Have you ever seen chinas “tofu dreg construction”? Yeah they can make brics, they always crumble though


Australia, south Korea should join the group to make it G9
