Fractional derivatives, boundary-value problems and the motion of inertial ... by Vishal Vasan

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Program : Integrable? ?systems? ?in? ?Mathematics,? ?Condensed? ?Matter? ?and? ?Statistical? ?Physics

ORGANIZERS : Alexander Abanov, Rukmini Dey, Fabian Essler, Manas Kulkarni, Joel Moore, Vishal Vasan and Paul Wiegmann

DATE & TIME : 16 July 2018 to 10 August 2018

VENUE : Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore

This program aims to address various aspects of integrability and its role in the advancement of Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics. The scope of the proposed program is therefore highly interdisciplinary, being aimed at mathematicians and physicists who are working on different aspects of integrability. The purpose is to bring together experienced as well as young scientists, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who are working on various aspect of quantum as well as classical systems in which integrability plays a paramount role.

July 16 - July 27 (First Division: Integrable systems in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics)
July 30 - Aug 10 (Second Division: Integrable systems in Condensed Matter / Statistical Physics)

The above two divisions are only made just as a broad reference for gathering like-minded mathematicians and physicists. But, we aim to strongly encourage cross-disciplinary discussions throughout the 4 week program under the common theme of integrability.

During the first two weeks of the program, there is also a parallel meeting Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory and we expect fruitful interactions.

Topics to be discussed under the division of Mathematics and Mathematical Physics include (but not restricted to):

Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces (classical and discrete) and their Relation to Integrable Systems
Integrable systems and geometric asymptotics
Quantum Integrable Systems
Analytical methods for partial differential equations (PDEs) inspired by integrable systems
Applications of integrable PDEs in mathematical physics (for e.g, Benjamin-Ono, Nonlinear Schrodinger, Korteweg–de Vries equations)
Topics to be discussed under the division of Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics include (but not restricted to):

Nonequilibrium dynamics and transport: Integrability to many-body localization
Perturbed conformal and integrable field theories with applications to low dimensional strongly correlated systems
Bethe ansatz and applications to spin chains
Hydrodynamics and collective behavior of many body systems
Calogero, Lieb -Liniger, Yang-Gaudin models and their applications
There will also be some pedagogic lectures on the below topics:

Mathematics and Mathematical Physics:

A. Bobenko (TU Berlin) - “CMC Surfaces (classical and discrete) and their Relation to Integrable Systems”
David Smith (NUS, Yale) - “The Unified Transform Method for linear evolution equations”
Tom Trogdon (University of California-Irvine, USA) - “The computational theory of Riemann–Hilbert problems”
Paul Wiegmann (Chicago) - "Hofstadter problem: Integrability and Complexity"
Ritwik Mukherjee (NISER, Bubaneswar) - " Quantum Cohomology and WDVV equation"
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics:

Fabian Essler (Oxford) - “Integrability out of equilibrium”
Joel Moore (Berkeley) - “Nonequilibrium dynamics and transport: Integrability to many-body localization”
Alexander Abanov (Simons Center, Stony Brook) - "Hydrodynamics, variational principles and integrability"
Alexios Polychornakos (CCNY-CUNY) - "Physics and Mathematics of Quantum and Classical Calogero models"
Fabio Franchini (University of Zagreb, Croatia) - "Basic Lectures on Bethe Ansatz"

CONTACT US : integrability2018 ictsresin

0:00:00 Integrable systems in Mathematics, Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
0:00:10 Fractional derivatives, boundary value problems and the motion of inertial particles in a viscous fluid
0:01:20 Acknowledgements
0:01:52 The Maxey-Riley equation
0:06:54 Why are MR equations hard?
0:08:03 Known results
0:13:22 What can we say?
0:15:20 Fractional derivatives
0:17:55 Does the I/2 derivative have anything to do with the heat equation?
0:19:50 UTM: Dirichlet to Neumann map
0:21:34 Model equation
0:26:03 Nonlinear model MR
0:33:41 Linear model MR
0:40:39 Numerical method
0:43:33 Back to the MR equations
0:45:21 Why stick to only half-derivatives?
0:46:38 Rational derivatives
0:49:11 Conclusions
0:55:57 Q&A
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