Cross-National Exploration of Secondary Math Teacher Preparation

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Cross-National Exploration of Secondary Math Teacher Preparation: Descriptive Discriminant Analysis Insights and Tableau Visualizations

CSoI Student Research Team - Genéa Stewart, Ph.D. student, and Cary Jim, Ph.D. student, North Texas University, Milushka Elbulok-Charcape, Ph.D. Candidate, CUNY, Dinuka Gallaba, Ph.D. Candidate, Southern Illinois University

We will offer interpretations of data visualizations on cross-national math teacher preparation in Tableau. The attendees will evaluate the potential relative importance of three domains: 1) future teachers’ math course work, 2) rigor of math education training, and 3) general pedagogical training on successful math instruction in their field. Participants should feel free to peruse the Tableau dashboard in advance!

A recent article written by the authors who published the dataset our team used for the visualizations (we won't be delving deeply into this, but it's food for thought if anyone's interested):

Presenter Bios:

Genéa Stewart is a second-year doctoral student in the Educational Psychology Department’s Research, Measurement, and Statistics concentration. She currently serves as a consultant for the Office of Research Consulting at the University of North Texas, to facilitate client understanding and application of statistics and research methods. Genéa holds a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Howard University, and a Master’s in Experimental Psychology from Brooklyn College. She is also a 2003 Teach For America, Philadelphia corps member. She has experience teaching undergraduate level statistics and research methods courses. Genéa’s research to date has focused on college students’ help-seeking attitudes and mental health literacy. She has also assisted with instrument design and report writing for program evaluations focused on youth development, civic engagement programming and school-based interventions.

Cary Jim’s academic and research preparation were in the area of science & math education research and teacher training. She is currently pursuing an information science doctoral degree with the interest of crossing data science with educational data analytics. Her prior experience as a school teacher and district administrator will inform the relevancy of the research objectives and outcomes to practitioners in K-12 education. She will also contribute to the visualization and data analysis of the project and support the preparation of manuscripts for scholarly publication.

Milushka Elbulok-Charcape is a PhD candidate in the Learning, Development, and Instruction Educational Psychology program at the CUNY Graduate Center. Her dissertation topic focuses on mentorship in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Other research interests include: science academic identity in STEM education, vocabulary development in emergent bilinguals, and validity of multicultural assessment. Currently, she is employed as an adjunct instructor at Brooklyn College, is a WAC Fellow at York College, and holds a number of research positions at other CUNY institutions.

Dinuka Gallaba is an applied physics Doctoral candidate at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. His dissertation research area is experimental materials physics, concentrating on materials characterization. Apart from my primary research area, he is interested in incorporating data mining and stochastic analysis techniques in scientific data. He will be graduating this summer.
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