Composite Strength Workshop 9 October 2020 - Presentations

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Online Workshop on 9 October 2020: How do we define and measure strength of a composite?

00:00:10 Meeting Introduction and Background – Ramesh Talreja (Texas A&M University)
00:03:40 Topic Presentation: Michael Wisnom (Bristol Composites Institute) and Federico Paris (Universidad de Sevilla) – How do we define and measure strength of a composite?
00:15:19 Federico Paris – Strength: Damage or rupture?

Definition of Strength:
00:22:06 Ramesh Talreja (Texas A&M University) – Defining strength of UD composites based on the characteristics of their failure processes
00:30:27 Hao Cui (University of Cranfield) – Is there a true strength for composite material?
00:37:40 Silvestre Pinho (Imperial College London) – Strength: not just materials science and not just a number
00:44:30 Tony Waas (University of Michigan) – Strength of continuous fibre reinforced composites

Strength at Different Scales:
00:51:48 Young W. Kwon (Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey) – Composite Strength in terms of the perspective of constituent materials
00:58:49 Soraia Pimenta (Imperial College London) – Defining strength in (dis)continuous composites
01:13:29 Stephen Hallett (Bristol Composites Institute) – How does material strength translate to structural scale failure?

Measuring Strength:
01:21:13 Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen (Technical University of Denmark) – On the tensile strength of uni-directional carbon fiber-reinforced composites
01:31:40 Yentl Swolfs (KU Leuven) – Proper tensile testing of unidirectional composite materials
01:37:26 Frédéric Laurin (ONERA The French Aerospace Lab) – Analysis of different standard and innovative tests to determine the longitudinal compressive strength of a carbon/epoxy UD ply
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