Paul Harvey Wisdom - Terrified Little Boy Becomes a Hollywood Legend

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A little boy was traumatized by being left by his parent's home alone in the dark grows up to become a legendary film maker.
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Paul Harvey was an American radio broadcaster for ABC News Radio. He broadcast News and Comment on mornings and mid-days on weekdays and at noon on Saturdays and also his famous The Rest of the Story segments. From 1951 to 2008, his programs reached as many as 24 million people per week. Paul Harvey News was carried on 1,200 radio stations, on 400 American Forces Network stations, and in 300 newspapers.
A big Thank You shout out to Paul Harvey Archives;
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Paul Harvey was an American radio broadcaster for ABC News Radio. He broadcast News and Comment on mornings and mid-days on weekdays and at noon on Saturdays and also his famous The Rest of the Story segments. From 1951 to 2008, his programs reached as many as 24 million people per week. Paul Harvey News was carried on 1,200 radio stations, on 400 American Forces Network stations, and in 300 newspapers.
A big Thank You shout out to Paul Harvey Archives;
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