AMX 13 75 • 12 Kills in One Battle • World of Tanks

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World of Tanks gameplay on the French tier 7 light tank AMX 13 75.
4490 damage and 12 kills on the map "Westfield".
Awards received: Ace Tanker, Pascucci's Medal, Fadin's Medal, Pool's Medal, High Caliber, Tanker-Sniper, Top Gun

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Historical Info:
The AMX 13 75 is a maneuverable light tank with an oscillating turret and a 75 mm autoloader gun that could fire up to 10 shots per minute. At that time, the gun on this vehicle had superior penetration compared to the guns of most other medium tanks.

Music: Roots of Legend – Density & Time

Рекомендации по теме

I haven't played in over a year. Did this tank get an update to its ammo capacity? That looked like 44 rounds and I seem to remember it had 36. It was one of my all-time favorites. Git my only Fadin's medal in it


Hello can I send u replay with BZ176, random battle at mines where I coocked 8, 6K dmg? And where can I send him..


-20k credits for gold ammo spam... it's painful to see people abuse the p2w mechanics and be proud of the matches they do. Was this a bad game or easy to pull off? No, it does take skill and experience plenty, but this game is a pay to win piece of dogshit that only people with too much money still play. Peace.


Gold spamming but decent gameplay except the fake fadins at the end
