The Day Geometry Dash Almost Died...

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This documentary is an interesting story about how the community of a once popular mobile game almost vanished overnight. The creator of GD, Robtop had trouble with Update 2.1 and 2.2 sneak peeks leading to Extreme Demons (the games hardest levels) having to save the day. Watch all the way through, because you WILL NOT want to miss this one...

#geometrydash #documentary #gd

Chapters (sorta)
0:00 Suspenseful Start
2:27 MANIX
12:03 FUSION Z
13:57 DARK AGE


1207-1740 Edited by @EchoGD
000-020 Edited By @MarkUnderMark
Amazing Art by
Players In Thumbnail: TheRealDarnoc, FunnyGame, Weoweoteo, Rabbitical, Michigun, Sary
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Very well made video! I will be showing my kids one day as a retelling of the past


🔥🔥🔥documentary man, thanks for having me on!


If this video gets 10K likes I will instantly release a new documentary...


This is an amazing documentary style video for Geometry Dash. The editing, storytelling, and history behind this is incredible and I’m sure it took ages to make. It’s also really cool to hear a few voices from other Geometry Dash players such as lemoncake reading comments as a bit of diversity. This was amazing and your videos keep making me more and more impressed with this community after all this time!


i remember theese times so much... the fact that knobbelboy was the one who brought up the GD community for a certain time was really amazing.


can we appreciate how much effort he put into syncing the levels in the background?

1:37 piano syncs with the pulse in the back
2:16 the unity circles in the bg go up when he says "lifted"
2:20 the fading piano syncs with the fading comment
6:11 drums synced with the cut

man puts so much effort into little details 🙏


yo this video is awesome! Love the storytelling and it's nice to reexperience the events that happened back then


In my honest opinion Bloodlust was the best top 1 we've ever had, such cool history, the time it took to come out, the decoration and how difficult the level was for the time it came out, it was insane


ah yes, I remember this time. I was still shit at the game, but literally everything I saw from Manix blew my socks off to the other side of the world. Blade of Justice and Bloodlust still stand toe to toe as my favorite extreme demons in the game. Absolutely excellent work here. Also, I really appreciate how you approached "he who shall not be named". I find it very funny.


It's an ok video but to give realistic feedback, the whole premise is confusing. The idea that the GD Community would "almost vanish overnight" if Bloodlust was not completed is just clickbait and you give 0 evidence that the community was about to die, or that Bloodlust's completion "saved" anything (handpicked YT comments do not count). In truth, GD has been one of the most consistent games in terms of popularity level, and there was never a day it was remotely close to vanishing / dying. There's no evidence that extreme demons like Bloodlust or Fusion Z or BoJ had any impact on how future creators decided to improve their levels, so the entire epilogue is confusing and out of nowhere. In other words this whole timeline with different extreme demons being made / passed on to different verifiers is interesting but has little implications for the game itself. 

But the story-telling / animation is good, so I'll give you that.


FitMC wants to know your location

Edit:The fun fact is that the Redacted player is Crazen


Amazing video, super interesting topic and well done edit! 2.2 will def. revolutionize the Game and hopefully it will bring back old players to compete again and bring back the amazing feelings we had when people were verifying extremely hard levels


What can I say, except that this video is one, if not your best ! The story told is very interesting, the narration is on point, the editing is epic and gives me very good vibes :) This video is excellent, to say the least👍
It's an obvious Like+Subscribe for this work


after watching 5 minutes into the video you already forgot the thing which you came for, the exact date which geometry dash was gonna die


4:01 man had a heart attack, stroke, and got new about his cancer all in one go


Thanks for letting me edit part of the video! Your script writing, music choice and raw amount of effort you put into these videos is genuinely inspiring. Amazing work :)


It’s silly to me that people really thought 2.0 was hurtful to the game. Every update to Geometry Dash since it released has been nothing but beneficial to the game and the community. RobTop, as far as I know, has never implemented super controversial features or changes except for the physics changes in 2.2 which is incredibly recent. I know early 2.0 levels were kind of a mess but of course it’s gonna take the community awhile to learn new features in the editor, and guess what? Creators eventually did get a grasp on them and the game ended up fine.


Amazing video! The storytelling was great and the editing was smooth as well. I loved how everything came together in the end.
Also, the part at 14:45 gave me another idea.
Can you imagine what will happen if [REDACTED] (Crazen) successfully stole and verified Bloodlust?
In an alternate timeline, he would be the one to replace Knobbelboy as the top 1 most respected player of the time, be the one to bring GD out of its dark age and bring vitality into the game, potentially take on numerous more projects due to his fame, and influence GD like nobody ever could. His name will be engraved in GD history... But then, he would be exposed as a groomer.
What would happen to the community at that point? How would they react to one of the most respected and loved people being exposed as a horrible person? It can even potentially be worse than the GHS situation since Crazen will probably delete Bloodlust and all of his other projects before leaving, so there would be huge damages done to the demon list. People would need to find numerous new verifiers to rebeat Crazen's levels and come up with a way to deal with the emotional impact. Maybe even more things will happen. Large players leaving? Civil wars between supporters and enemies of Crazen? Even a return?

Now I really want to see a GD theory video about this topic. It will probably be super controversial and be demonetized tho :(


Incredibly good commentary! You are an underrated creator.


It's kind of ironic that you mention that early 2018 was the dark time for Geometry Dash. Personally, I remember during that time that because of the lack of notable events happening, the gameplay community had started forming, especially with the advent of Ocular Miracle back in November 2017. Even from a dark place, a spark had already formed and the small flames of creativity had started from another corner that would roar into an inferno that it is today.
