LIVE!! Shiny Heracross in Diamond after 5475 SRs Like A Year Ago [Diamond Shiny Run #10]

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Brooke's Beetle.
Hey! Uploading some videos from um a looong time ago.
Willow and I have just been playing some other games for a while. I remembered I had several videos to upload from the Diamond Shiny Run. I found: Piplup, Shinx, Stunky, Murkrow, Heracross, and finally Cleffa (which a few phase targets mixed in). The entire thing can be found on our channel as a playlist. This was team member number 5 and it Shined after a bit over 5k SRs. Very happy with her. I think I still have to do a Legendary for this too.... Not sure which one I should do.
Hey! Uploading some videos from um a looong time ago.
Willow and I have just been playing some other games for a while. I remembered I had several videos to upload from the Diamond Shiny Run. I found: Piplup, Shinx, Stunky, Murkrow, Heracross, and finally Cleffa (which a few phase targets mixed in). The entire thing can be found on our channel as a playlist. This was team member number 5 and it Shined after a bit over 5k SRs. Very happy with her. I think I still have to do a Legendary for this too.... Not sure which one I should do.
LIVE!! Shiny Heracross in Diamond after 5475 SRs Like A Year Ago [Diamond Shiny Run #10]
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